I know all about Fred Thompson, but somehow I missed that he and his wife Jeri have a new radio show. And then I find out today that Jeri read one of my posts on the air (with credit, of course). Awesome. Hopefully I can get audio of it.
The show is up against Rush Limbaugh in many markets, though, which is a lot like trying to punch out the sun. Of course, Fred Thompson punches out the sun on a regular basis.
If they bring back the fairness doctrine, who will the liberals send to Fred Thompson’s show? I mean it’s Fred Thompson for cying out loud.
The biggest plug the Doctor of Democracy could ever have wished for was O’vomit coming after him. All Mr. Limbaugh has to do now is be the better man, which is not even an issue. Demoncrats can cry all they want but we still enjoyl freedom of speech so there’s plenty of room for Fred and Co.
Well for those who don’t consider Rush conservative enough, they could easily find Fred more appealing.
Glenn Beck has been doing double yeoman’s duty lately, but I wish Fred success.
FRED! I wish I listened to the radio.
OMG! They have it ONLINE! If I didn’t have some Dawn of War to play, I’d be all over listening to that!
Frankj as read by Fred Thompson – Awsomely Awesome!
That really is awesome, to be read and credited by The Fred! Wonder how they found the post in question?
Don’t forget us peons now that you’ve hit the Big Time! 😉
FRED! And they quoted YOU!!!! Holy crap; this is better than the day Fred Thompson killed the hippies in the morning, saved the earth from an asteroid the size of texas by looking it in the face, and finished up at Milliways for a drink and a cigar. If I were you I’d be fainting at how happy I was.
Awesomeeeee! And now I have a radio show with FRED???
So what if it’s up against Rush? Rush never talked Fred up enough anyway – and you know Rush is totally in charge of the Republican party. It’s all his fault we don’t have Fred right now.
In which case I’m totally gonna listen with the other Fred-heads. Yay!
Wow, FrankJ, you got recognized by The Fred?!
You could die happy now but then basil would probably try to stuff harvey in the basement and take over the blog and we know that’s not a good idea.
Mr. Fred Thompson (notice I used Mr. so as not to irritate the great one at my expense) quoted Frank J on the radio yesterday! I stand in awe!
Rush Limbaugh should be careful not to irritate Mr. Fred Thompson or he will end up wearing his ass as a necklace!
Actually, it was Jeri who read from Frank’s Assault Weapons piece:
It got some audible chuckles from Fred, though.
Here’s the Fred show site:
If they still have the audio for the 3-3 show, it comes just past the 27 minute mark.
oooohhh …Jeri …. Now that I like.
Fred Thompson is ok but he was not nearly as tough as all you guys seem to think. I seem to remember he comprimising conservative principle several times when a senator. Also he was a totally no-go when it came to the primary. Just a popcorn fart and it was all over.
I’m going back to listen from the start now, but I don’t get a good vibe from seeing who the guest is the first two days of his new show. Makes me remember the names I called the Senator when he dropped out and endorsed McClown.