I liked it better when C compilers gave you the most incomprehensible errors when you forgot a semicolon.
If computers prove anything, it’s that logic and rational thought are useless by themselves.
Is exclaiming “Oops!” the same as an apology? It is admitting fault.
Comparing Biden and Quayle, how many of Quayle’s gaffes were him saying things harmful to his administration’s policies?
Sparkly vampires is the single dumbest thing pop culture has come up with in the past century.
In a just world, announcing you watch Keith Olbermann would gain the same reaction as saying you attend KKK meetings.
Star Trek was awesome! Only person who wouldn’t like it would be Hitler or someone just like him.
When you plagiarize someone and assume everyone knows you’re plagiarizing, that’s an homage.
They’re going to be doing a sequel to Taken called “Tooken”. Part of that statement was untrue.
If I were a criminal, to confuse police I’d get personalized license plates that say “NO PLATES”.
Powell can give advice to the GOP, but he should be humble enough to realize he’s basically a pedophile giving advice on child rearing.
What is Powell’s message? “The GOP needs moderates even squishier than McCain to succeed!”
I bet North Korea feels like a kid in candy store full of candy they want to tactically nuke.
With Memorial Day and N. Korean nukes being in the news yesterday, we can take relief that Obama still had time to golf.
I forgot to add, would you rather have him golfing or screwing things up.
If you miss the error messages too much try leaving the semi-colon off the end of a class statement in an h file, that will hold you for a good long while.
[Did that once, and thought the compiler had broke since it erred on every single line of code (expect the line including the header file which eventually helped me figure it out). No .h files in C#, though. I miss them. -Ed.]
The only thing more retarded than C Compilers is Database Administration…of any kind! It causes major brain damage!
Did someone capture Colin Powell during the Iraq War and Waterboard him while at the same time hooking his balls up to 110 volts. That would explain the brain damage…
Might want to re-think that “NO PLATES” idea….
Snopes “No Plate”
The only thing more retarded than C compilers and database administration are Windows administrators.
The only thing more retarded than C compilers, database administration and Windows administrators are users.
As someone who is (technically speaking) a Windows admin, I would agree, Jimmy.
See my new shoes? I got new shoes. For my birthday. They’re my size 10 and 11.
In a just world, announcing you watch Keith Olbermann would gain the same reaction as saying you attend KKK meetings.
Better yet the reaction for watching Olberdoof would be a punch to the face
powell’s message was “support obama” (meet the press october 19,2008) yep, that’s what I want in a republican leader.
watched “taken” last night (on blu-ray! take that you dvd watching losers…) good flick… a sequel would need to be really different to not feel contrived…
oh, and i ♥ c#…
Well, so am I, Socrates, since I own several Windows systems. I lamely administer each one and every time, I get more and more retarded and PO’d at the totally kluged plumbing of that P-OS. If I could post up those famous diagrams that depict the low-level comparison between Windows and Linux plumbing, I would. They cause one to “gasp in amazement.”
“Comparing Biden and Quayle, how many of Quayle’s gaffes were him saying things harmful to his administration’s policies?”
Dan Quayle absentmindedly spelled potato incorrectly one time and “dared” to suggest publicly that the liberal agenda-driven Murphy Brown show that attempted to portray that kids have no need for fathers was a bad example for society (and was since proven correct) and was labeled a dangerous idiot, while Biden’s daily gaffes are ego driven by the need to try to impress people by running his mouth at whatever cost to our country, yet “that’s just lovable Joe”.
President Ford was a former star football player for the University of Michigan, yet slipped on the stairs on Air Force One and was forever portrayed as an uncooridinated bumbling fool on Saturday Night Live. Obama tries to walk through a White House window, bangs his head on a plane, suggests invading an ally, claims the US has over 57 states, states that he is a Muslim and has to be corrected by the interviewer, offends Special Olympics athletes, incorrectly claims Nancy Reagan held seances (when his own Secretary of State was the first lady that “consulted” the dead), now supports most of the policies he campaigned against, and can’t even finish a sentence without the aid of a teleprompter, yet no SNL skits about this guy.
Windows administrators are teh gay! As an IT guy myself I switched to MAC at home years ago and will never go back. I love their OS and the fact that they run on UNIX! I have been in too many meetings with Microsoft over the years as their sales guys do the “soft shoe” trying to explain bugs, viruses, untested fix packs, and lack of trained technical support staff! I’d rather set my hair on fire than talk to a Microsoft Tech!
No, ussjimmycarter, rather than setting your hair on fire than talk to a Microsoft Tecgh, you’d sooner give Hillary a big hug about the hips, or have Nancy “The Dancer” Pelosi dance naked on your dinner table. Let’s get your priorities straight!
Dan Quayle didn’t reveal national secrets. JoBi , on the other hand, MUST be given to the terrorists to teach them anti-interrogation techniques. Good Guy”Where have you hidden the bomb?” Bad Guy” By allah’s toenail you will not make me tell you it is hidden in the trash can outside of the library!”
Frank, you might want to reconsider the no plates idea.
#12 Jimmy, you owe me lunch, cause I lost mine reading about *shudder* nancy and the other thing.
Just cause i am a masicist, i watched olberdouche the other day for a couple of seconds. Does he always have that red dot on his forehead?
OK, #14, I’m buyin’. I’m just surprised there’s been no come-back from ussjc over these images. (I guess it takes a lot these days to get a rise out of him. The usual crank accusations about Hillary, Nancy, Janet, Rosie, et al, just don’t seem to do it. I’m worried.)
“Oop! Sorry!” works for me.
I always suspect people who say, “I apologise”, when what they Should be saying is, “I’m sorry!”.
“I apologise” implies that it wasn’t really their fault and if I’d only let them explain the amazing sequence of completly coincidental mishaps and totally innocent blunders that had led up to them totally screwing up my day I’d see that if I’d only look at it from their point of view it wasn’t really a mistake at all in fact I should be grateful because it’ll all work out for the best someday and who do I think I am for not thanking them for their generous and thoughtful efforts on my behalf?
Then I put them in the cornfield.The next thing Powell will be claiming is he is not a negro but a caucasian.
Your No Plates idea led me to a blog article on Unintended Consequences, thanks.