How to balance the federal budget without raising taxes

How can Congress possibly balance the federal budget without raising taxes?

It’s easy. Make Congress make up for any shortfall in the budget. Take it out of their pay. Cut Congressional pay (House and Senate) for every dollar the budget is in deficit.

What about the president? Well, if he vetoed the deficit budget, he’s off the hook. If he signed it, he’s liable. Dock his pay, too.

Now, what happens if the deficit is more than the pay of Congress? As is the current situation? Congress is on the hook for the balance. Personally. If Congressman A has twice wealth as Congressman B, he’s responsible for twice as much of the deficit.

When that still doesn’t cover the deficit, spread the debt around to other members of the government, exempting military pay only.

If Congress tries to get around it by raising taxes, count every tax increase as deficit money, and cut Congressional pay accordingly.

I learned a long time ago, that if someone had the solution to a problem, but had no interest in solving the problem, it was because it didn’t personally affect them; it wasn’t their problem.

Make it their problem.


  1. Why do you not want to raise taxes?

    How can you say that 25% is okay, but 28% isn’t?

    Taxes are currently 25% (for income above) for some middle class income ranges. Why shouldn’t we cut them to 24% if they’re too high? But 24% is also too high, so why not 22%?

    You have to find a best-possible tax rate somewhere.

    [Okay, we’ll raise yours. Happy now? – B.]

  2. After every dime of personal wealth they possess is confiscated, we can start on blood, skin and organ harvesting – like Joe Biden says, “We all need to have some ‘skin’ in the game!”

  3. Ya know, even if you pro-rated it to $1 per $100,000 or so, it would still be effective.

    If I did my math right, that’d be about $30,000 per Congresscritter this year (about 20% of their pay)

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  5. I guess you are being sarcastic, but you do realize that the budget deficit is in the hundreds of billions of dollars, and the entire expendeture of the congress to pay it’s members and employees and to maintain the buildings is about 14 billion? Not a very realistic technique.

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