They’re talking about banning the burqa in France. Banning anything makes me uncomfortable as an American, but this is France. They also have more trouble with Muslims as they sometimes have — what do they call them — “youths” running around and setting cars on fire. We wouldn’t put up with the crap here in America.
So what is the point at which you stop being polite and say, “Your culture is stupid and irritating; stop it.”? This had sort of come up once in Florida when a woman tried to use a covered face for her driver’s license photo which just plain didn’t work. And there is something that feel quite anti-American about the burqa. A lot of America’s history is about fighting oppression (both inside and out), and making women walk around in hefty bags seems pretty antithetical to that. Sure, it could be the woman’s choice to wear a burqa, but Islam doesn’t really seem to be a lot about respecting women’s decisions.
Would banning the burqa in America be cromulent? What do you think?
If we outlaw burqas, only outlaws will have burqas. Burqas would help outlaws because the make good disguises.
sorry…they make good disguises.
Most states ban hoods and covered faces due to the ku klux klan. Two groups devoted to hate, intolerance, and bullying that conceal their faces to instill fear and not get caught.
Burqa = hood.
As long as the EU keeps letting Muslims in by the container load, banning the burqa won’t matter. It’s a silly, useless bandaid. Since the Muslims will soon be a majority in France and the rest of Europe at the rate things are going, the Muslims will just make the burqa mandatory for all women and that will be that.
Is it cromulent to offer a burqa wearing woman a beer?
I don’t know about banning them, I too don’t like banning things.
But I have a radical solution that’s totally Constitutional (Second Amendment/Commerce clause combined, finally, we can
misuse the commerce clause):We trade guns for burqas!
That way, women who want the burqa can keep them, the rest can shoot the sonomabatches who wants to stuff them into one.
That’s win/win to me.
Well, it might not be cromulent, but we wouldn’t want to embiggen them.
If all of your France jumped off a bridge, would you jump off a bridge too?
On the positive side, we could dispense with burqas while ejaculating a catchy slogan:
“Say hallo to my leedle France!”
Next we should ban the sombrero, especially if it is worn by someone also wearing a burqa. In a dark room, someone will be confused for a tiny hovering flying saucer.
Or an evil Mexican ghost from Ghost.
In short, I’m definitively undecided. Why don’t we wait for Greece to decide what they’ll do? We’ve already copied their fiscal policies, might as well follow their fashion advice!
I don’t think they or we should ban the burqua. I think anyone who wears one, anyone who is married to anyone who wears one or anyone who suggests that someone wears one, do not belong in a civilized country. They should return to the 8th century or a Middle East backwater, intolerant, area and we should keep them there.
If they want to live with substandard health care, live in mud huts, wear their tatterd, dirty, and smelly dresses (men and women) so be it. Far be it from me to force clean water, good food, nice housing and decent health care on the prophet’s chosen. I’m sure he’ll be happy to see them all on the other side…….wait, all the men that is. I forgot the prophet and his god are afraid of women, they hate and despise women. Half of his creations and he hates them. I guess he should have created Adam and Abdullah instead. It’s ok thoug,t most of us women don’t like him very much either.
Frank, it’s just the black burqas that are part of the ban.
White burqas will be allowed in France because they make
a handy surrender flag in a pinch.
Hey, doesn’t “burqa” violate the rule that a “q” should always be followed by a “u”? I oppose burqas on those grounds.
I think I don’t know what cromulent means. 🙁
We should allow hemp burqas because that would be like, so organic. But I don’t know about cromulents. I like them in salads, but they sometimes look kind of stale.
Cromulent is as cromulent does.
e4bannan, a cromulent is a seabird that dives into the ocean and catches fish. Some Japanese fishermen even train them and use them for this purpose. I saw it on a PBS nature special.
We should ban the burgas in someplace like NJ. and make a hugh stink about it. That way all the border states could get away with passing AZ. type laws without a bunch of illegals getting in everyones face.
I think we should just ban Muslims. Then again I believe in absolute truth.
Muslims would need to be redefined as a “murder cult” rather than a religion – and I believe it is a murder cult, not a religion deserving of the freedom enshrined in our Bill of Rights.
Can banning women from wearing clothes ever really be considered a bad thing?
Popular recent counter example: Kagan
I think it would be a public service to make the burqa the law for women like Kagan and Pelosie.
I read an article once in which the author put on some sort of head scarf as she went about her day in the big city. She reported that she was treated with unbelievable respect and deference. Seems everyone she encountered was afraid of appearing insensitive or bigoted, so they poured it on for her.
Wow, what’s funnier – the fact that anytime the word Muslim is written it triggers the “” ad or the fact that they actually think the girl in the ad is hot?
I think we need to take a lesson from Robert Heinlein’s book “The Puppet Masters:” Start spreading a story about mind-controlling aliens taking over the country. These aliens ride around on the people they’re controlling, but they hide under their clothes; therefore the only way to spot the aliens is to require everybody to go around buck naked.
And then I think of Michael Moore and Helen Thomas, and I change my mind.
Is a cromulent one of those little french moon-shaped pastry things?