The Democrats unveiled their fancy new logo today:
Didn’t take long for me to figure out what it looked like:
Just needs a new slogan to go with it.
“Crap that splatters”, maybe?
Feel free to chime in with your suggestions.
The Democrats unveiled their fancy new logo today:
Didn’t take long for me to figure out what it looked like:
Just needs a new slogan to go with it.
“Crap that splatters”, maybe?
Feel free to chime in with your suggestions.
“Just hit flush, and we’ll go away”
D for Down the Drain.
D is for Dump the Doodoo.
“We’re full of cr@p”?
Good heavens, these people are morons.
Flush twice – it’s a long way to the unemployment office.
“Envision Your Future”
An American Movement.
Welcome to the future of the Democratic Party–we’re in the sh*tter!
The inner Frued in me would say that the Democrats’ much ballyhooed new logo symbolizes the Democrat candidates’ worst fears, they (D) are trapped inside “O”bama. I am sure that is definitely the case with a certain Governor of West Virginia.
* “Look! Al Gore’s poetry career.”
* “Look! It’s realistic science under our watch.”
* “Look! There goes Virginia Tech’s football season!”
* “Look! There goes Boise State’s strength of schedule.” Sorry, Frank.
* “Look! There goes funding for the DoD.”
* “Look! There goes our chances this fall.”
we’re hot sh*t !
Democrats: Leaving a stain
As we go down the drain.
Knock at the door
Who is it?
Its the Democrats give us your children to indoctrinate and your money to spend.
Let’s close the lid on them November 2nd.
I have to say, I really like Harvey’s version of the democrat logo.
The 3D effect really makes it stand out, and you can really feel the hopelessness as you envision where the democrats want to take this country…
Democrats and toilets need to be flushed out frequently…and for the same reason.
The slogan should be “Defecating Your Family’s Future, one Bill at a time”
Democrats new slogan : See that symbol? We now own the copyright on Dumbassery.
I think the logo is perfect. We are Democrats and we are Zeros! I guess what we are trying to tell you is that we are losers! We fell for O which also stands for Zero and now we are all O’s or Zeros! Losers every one of us! It took a long time to come up with this slick logo so please respect our Zeroness…
One thing someone noted a while back is that after the election, Obama’s logo and variations of it went on a lot of white house and party web sites. This took the place of the American flag, etc.
Replacing the logo of the government, party, etc with the logo of ONE MAN?
Well, I’m not sure if it’s ego, control, or what, but calling him Dear Leader is becoming less sarcastic.
I still can’t forgive them for doing it when he was first elected and somewhat popular, but the fact that they’d do this now that the majority oppose him – how tone deaf an echo chamber can they become?
The toilet image is classic. Someone needs to hack their web sites and replace the image.
Bend over Amerikkka
Democraps, we give a s**t
Life is like a s**t sandwich, the more bread you have, the less s**t you gotta eat.
“Democrats – Managing Your Government; Managing Your Taxes”
“Democrat vision for America”
“Follow the Democrat brand”
Thank you, please drive through.
What did Vice President Joe Bidet have to say about it?
OD with us.
I like the idea that the D is completely encompassed by the big O. Perfect metaphor.
Democrats! We wipe with the LEFT hand!
* Democrats. Looking to the future!
* Democraps! Slip slidin’ away!
* Democrats! Forming
amoreperfectUnions!* Democrats! Changing what matters into crap!
Here’s a redesign of their logo based on Harvey’s insight:
New Democrat Logo
Democrats: Flushed with success.
Throw up your hands and shout Hallelujah Obama and then just throw up.
That is the most perfect fitting toilet BTW
I still think this is a step up from where they get their usual ideas.
Let me be uhhhh clear. We uhhhh got your free health care right here.
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OMG! These are sooo funny!
yep, we’re gonna need a BIG toilet brush & lot of bleach to clean out this mess on Nov. 2
Harvey, This is your finest work ever…..we are not worthy.
Democraps gets my vote.
I just read Franks post about this. The logo needs to be redesigned to include a minus sign after the D and the last tag line to: Extra Credit Matters.
Russ – Remember Democrats only wipe with one square of toilet paper so they also have smelly butts!
“A movement from the bowels of America”
Their slogan is actually pretty accurate. Things that “matter” aren’t necessarily good. For example, if someone fires you, being fired and losing your job “matters”. Losing your entire investment portfolio as the stock market crashes “matters”. If we lose troops in Afghanistan because of idiotic politically correct rules of engagement, it certainly “matters”. So, yes, their asinine “change” certainly “matters”.
So they are happy that they are one step above “Epic Fail” – well I think they deserve a trophy just for showing up, standing out in right-field picking their butts and chasing butterflies. good for them.
Pingback: New Democratic Party Logo
Want your life in tatters
USSJimmyCarter –
I was trying to do a subtle double entendre with the “left” hand comment:
1. Dims are leftys
2. Muslims wipe with their left hand
But as a submariner, I suspect you know a lot about TP conservation:)
Thanks for your service!
Utilizing Harvey’s excellent source images and what I believe was the thread winner…
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So now that you’ve established what the new symbol looks just like, it needs a name. I suggest “democrapper”. Any other ideas?
Mancuso? Did you go to Idaho State around 79….a baller?
Please spray before you leave.
Ace-o-lanche! Way to go, Harvey!
In November the Tea Party is going to give the rest of the country a courtesy flush.
Vote democrat Americans. We wouldn’t s**t you. You are our favorite turds.
Face it, you need us…
Not to be seen with us…
But you do need us.
1. D’oh!
2. Vote democrat. We wouldn’t sh*t you, America. You’re our favorite turds!
3. Democrats=Royal Flush
4. Taking no crap from the peons.
5. How ’bout a swhirly?
The Party of “D’Oh!”
When you want to go Down the Drain, you put it in D
Democrats: Flushing our country’s future away!
“Democrats – We’re wiping the smile off of America – One square at a time.”
What is that…a piggy bank??
Drop them like a deuce November 2nd.
All it needs is an “H” and it would be perfect.
“…and away go troubles down the drain…” H/t to Roto Router
“D” For Down the rabbit hole.
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Supremely hilarious Harvey!
/Don Martin
Don’t let the lid hit you on the way down!
That better be a low-flow toilet! Or I call duh D’s
now that’s some funny crap….
This wins the Internetz today!
Flushed with pride!
Hilarious post on this over at HillBuzz … which is where I read about this site ….
Tim Kaine announces the REAL new Democrat logo
How long do you think it will take for the Dems to have an epiphany and get an even newer logo we can make fun of?
That’s stellar! So much fun w/ this crap logo!
I have it on good authority that after the elections, their new logo will involve holding their hand against their forehead. with their thumb and index finger forming the letter “L”
Democrats: Guess Where All Your Money Went?
Democrats: Who Says Washington is a Sewer? Oh, Right.
Actually, the original New Logo is perfect as it stands if you know the symbology.
The new logo is a D… inside a hole.
Clearly, the message is that Democrats would prefer to be called D-holes from now on.
I thought I was looking at a new Kosher symbol.
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Election ’10 – Things work out in the end.
DEMS! We go through your money like crap through a goose. Or a herd of sheep.
Obama has a handle on it.
Flush with victory leave ya feeling empty inside?
Obamazumas revenge on America has come to pass.
Even more so than the old Lucent Technologies logo .. the red toilet seat
And remember when Pajamas Media briefly flirted with the flushed-toilet logo of “Open Source Media”?:
At least they had the brains to scrap the notion after the toilet jokes started flying.
Democrats: Leaving skid marks in their haste to get distance themselves from Obama and his policies.
The Republican logo should be changed to a can of Lysol.
Pingback: New, enviro-friendly, flushable Democrat logo! « Wading Across
Pingback: Democrat Rebranding Effort « Pachyderms and Jackasses
“Democraps: Flushing America’s Future”, or “Democraps: Just Flush on Nov. 2nd”.
Pingback: Nothing Excites Quite Like a Shiny New Logo
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“Change That Splatters” LMAO! I had to make that a fully realized image, and it turned out pretty cool. Stop by anc take a look:
Democrats, we leave skidmarks.
D Baggers!
not enough fiber…
There are some great ones above . . . here are mine:
Democrats: We’re behind you all the way!
Democrats: Going green by first going brown & down!
Democrats: Let’s “wipe” the slate clean!
Democrats: We’ll really bend ya over!
Democrats: We got your backside!
Democrats: Change & flush you can believe in.
Democrats: We work so well, we’re endorsed by Joe the Plumber.
Place your tax payment here …
Place your future here …
I like them Dems they are funny, They do tend to talk to much though.