I do my April Fools jokes in the middle of October. Fool more people that way.
If some is a columnist is someone who writes editorials, what do you call some who builds Greek architecture?
For April Fools, I told Buttercup she was adopted. She was so shocked she said, “Ba ba ba ba!”
Maybe they can get more people to go to Broadway plays if they advertise that they’re in 3D.
We can tell Buttercup is sleepy when she rubs her eyes, but why is being sleepy an eye irritant?
Everyone who thinks Koran burning is responsible for people being killed in the Middle East is a racist who believe Muslims are subhuman.
I need to take my 3DS for walks to unlock stuff on it. I guess I can take my dog with me when I do that.
Random thought: I’m going to stop making fun of Frank’s nerdy love for technology. Why? Because I greased my .22’s trigger and cocking cam yesterday and while doing so, I got high on the smell of Hoppe’s. Whoa, man. Like, I saw purple groundhogs, man.
My comment is being moderated because WordPress moderation is afraid of gun people. There are millions of us, WordPress, and you cannot stop us!
An Obama campaign contractor.
The Tatler made the top ten!!! but that’s not the goodiest news of the Top 150 Conservative Web Sites post they have. Primordial Slack was in there!!!!! Woo Hoo. Oh yeah, Frank Made too.
it must be very strange living inside your head 24 hours a day.
So everytime we burn a Koran a bunch of extremeist muzzies protest, fight, and die. Burn baby burn !!
Walk the 3DS while walking Buttercup at night. All babies need a walking at night. Burp.
Apparently people who have sight in only one eye cannot use the Nitendo 3DS. When does the class action lawsuit start since they are obviously discrimating against those who are “other sighted”?
Buttercup isn’t sleepy…she is rubbing her eyes hoping that when she opens them back up she will have a daddy that isn’t a tool that carries around a 3DS all night! The ba ba ba ba is really bad bad bad bad daddy!
Doubleplusundead made the top 150, but well below IMAO.
So the question, how much did you pay to whom?
Or did you just go right to threatening?
Broadway plays are in HD too. They should add that to their advertisements.
“Everyone who thinks Koran burning is responsible for people being killed in the Middle East is a racist who believe Muslims are subhuman.”
I’m confused. Are you trying to say that thinking that Muslims are subhuman is wrong? Unlike “Global Warming,” there’s actually plenty of evidence to back up the claim…in fact, more evidence is discovered with each new day.
Blast, blast and double blast! Now I have to go back and re-read your October posts.
it must be very strange living inside your head 24 hours a day.
He doesn’t.
Sometimes Harvey is in there or SpaceMonkey or even Basil.
The only ones here who are not just other personalities are SarahK (I’ve seen pics) and Laurence Simon.
I tried living in Franks head once, I couldn’t sleep from all of the echoes.
So that one announced he is running for re-election. He hasn’t even completed 3 years and already he wanting to stick us some more. What an ego. If he was anymore narcissistic, he would be rhom the manual.
Scientists have said that Mars has been nuked, hmmm, Where was Frank last night?
Why is being sleepy an eye irritant? The Sandman sprinkles sleepy-dust in the eyes, to get kids to go to sleep. May I suggest setting out milk and cookies, as payment for his services?
Spontaneous flash mobs of murderous Muslims occur when a Quran is burned. I’m OK with being called a RAAAAACIST! Sub-human would be an upgrade for them.
Ba ba ba ba! Is Buttercup-speak for, “What a relief!”
For April Fools, I told Buttercup she was adopted. She was so shocked she said, “Ba ba ba ba!”
She’s already too articulate to be a regular on The View.
Another way the U.S.A. is superior to the rest of the world, we can use the 3DS without getting sick!
Well, the U.K. paper called “The Sun” says Europeans are getting sick.
It’s on Drudge. Go look it up yourself, ya slacker.
“Ba ba ba ba” When Buttercup starts singing a Beach Boys song, That’s when Frank tells her that she is adopted.