…he accidentally read “What matters most to you is that America is exceptional” when his teleprompter read “What matters most to you is that I married Michelle.”
his teleprompter was mistakenly displaying hsi speech for Kim Jong Il’s funeral. No one noticed until after Obama had praised Kim’s Beagle ala king recipe.
. . . he had brought John Roberts with him, called the Chief “Justice” onto the dais, and presented him with a six-foot-long check for $50 million in thanks for the ObamaCare decision.
Obama tries to employ the Chicago way, but doesn’t quite get all the nuances.
…and he blamed Bush.
…and he appointed a Czar to study the underlying cause of institutional racism and why the vast right-wing conspiracy would conspire to embarrass him.
He told the truth.
…and he did well in quite a few states.
Oh wait, you meant embarrassing to HIM, not to US… sorry didn’t read the correctly the first time. I’ll try again…
…and encountered an open microphone.
. . . a little boy shouted, “Hey! He’s got no clothes!”
Well heck, no edit button? OK, gross gramatical error there, sorry.
“The Most Embarrassing Thing Happened to Obama on the Campaign Trail… He encountered an open microphone.”
Hardly worth the effort to correct, of course, but there you go.
he said to the little girl “are you finished with that little doggie in the window”?
he told the truth.
Anderson Cooper didn’t wait until he was behind the podium to….
the Secret Service took all the silverware from the Hispanics while they were eating…
…he accidentally read “What matters most to you is that America is exceptional” when his teleprompter read “What matters most to you is that I married Michelle.”
he counfused his middle eastern and midwestern policies and ordered a drone attack on an Iowa strip mall.
he asked the street vendor what breed was used in his corn dogs.
he forgot to take the bucket off his head during his stump speeches.
He walked into a plumbers’ convention.
He accidentally left his fancy head-bucket at home and had to wear his casual one.
during his speeches, he kept slipping into his native Arabic. Allah u akbar.
he kept referring to the part of the Constitution that states: From each according to his abilities and to each according to his needs.
…Joe Biden made a speech.
He said at a press conference, in a rare act of lucidity, “I just realized I have no idea what I’m doing.”
He said “I have been to 57 states with 3 to go.”
He woke up.
…when TOTUS started going backward.
…but Chief Justice John Roberts bailed him out.
“The most embarrassing thing happened on the campaign trail….
When TOTUS switched sides and Obama gave a Romney speech.
When Obama asked Anderson Cooper what the straight line of the day was….
“The most embarrassing thing happened on the campaign trail….
Obama gave a speech and nobody came.
Obama’s tour bus swerved to hit a dog…
“The most embarrassing thing happened on the campaign trail….
When the secret service misunderstood what can only be described as Moochelle renewing her Klingon wedding vows.
his teleprompter was mistakenly displaying hsi speech for Kim Jong Il’s funeral. No one noticed until after Obama had praised Kim’s Beagle ala king recipe.
Charles Johnson started pointing out similarities in “leaked” sex tape and video of 4th of July BBQ at Camp David.
… he was asked to name a positive accomplishment that didn’t involve killing someone.
Yosoff – Obamacare?
Wait… nevermind.
…He made a speech while a piece of Bo was visibly stuck between his teeth the whole time.
he started speaking arabic
. . . he had brought John Roberts with him, called the Chief “Justice” onto the dais, and presented him with a six-foot-long check for $50 million in thanks for the ObamaCare decision.
Obama tries to employ the Chicago way, but doesn’t quite get all the nuances.
…he had to send a Secret Service agent out for tampons.
A reporter asked him a real question about his administrative record.
…Biden, getting to the mic first, announced that he was dropping Obama from the ticket!
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