Straight Line of the Day: The Most Embarrassing Thing Happened to Obama on the Campaign Trail…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

The most embarrassing thing happened to Obama on the campaign trail…


  1. Well heck, no edit button? OK, gross gramatical error there, sorry.

    “The Most Embarrassing Thing Happened to Obama on the Campaign Trail… He encountered an open microphone.”

    Hardly worth the effort to correct, of course, but there you go.

  2. “The most embarrassing thing happened on the campaign trail….

    When the secret service misunderstood what can only be described as Moochelle renewing her Klingon wedding vows.

  3. . . . he had brought John Roberts with him, called the Chief “Justice” onto the dais, and presented him with a six-foot-long check for $50 million in thanks for the ObamaCare decision.

    Obama tries to employ the Chicago way, but doesn’t quite get all the nuances.

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