My Immediate Reaction to the Paul Ryan Pick

I like it.

Romney could have had a safe pick like Portman. Or a bold pick like Jindal. Instead, he went for EXTRA BOLD.

The country basically has a terminal illness with its deficit, and Obama and the Democrats strategy had been to ignore it and hope it goes away. Only Paul Ryan has come out with a plan to actually do something about it, already showing far more leadership than the current president who hasn’t gotten his senate to pass any budget in the past three years. So hopefully the American public will see this as a clear choice between the status quo of slouching towards Greece and actually trying to do something about our problems.


UPDATE: Linked by MaxedOutMama


  1. I think picking Portman would have been a mistake. She’s very liberal, has little political experience (aside from the “Senator Amidala” gig), has campaigned for Democrats, and won’t even be old enough to be VP until 2016.

    What? Oh…never mind.

  2. The left wing media is already complaining that he lacks “private sector experience”


    He may lack private sector experience but even he seems to have a grasp on the idea that you don’t spend more money than you take in.

  3. I’m very excited about the Paul Ryan pick, too. I think this shows that Romney is actually serious about moving this country in the right direction since Paul Ryan is literally the only person in Washington to even put forward a plan for solving our fiscal nightmare.

    I mean, don’t get me wrong, I was going to vote for Romney anyways because he isn’t Obama, but now I’m actually cautiously hopeful.

  4. I hope y’all are right, I like the real Paul Ryan but I am afraid that he is at risk of being Palinized into a caricature by the MSM and losing his long term potential as say the best speaker of the house ever.

    I will give Romney props for more physical bravery than I thought he had, unlike Biden, Paul Ryan is definitely not assassination insurance.

  5. Romney made the right choice. His ticket basically says “No, we’re not multicultural or hip. We are the boring, smart guys who know what we’re doing, and you know that’s what you really want.”

  6. LOVE it!! I admire the hell out of Ryan for stepping up when a different move in a few years would have been more advantageous to his career.

    I only wish Breitbart were here to push back on all the slop coming their way, but…. we are all Breitbart now!

  7. Ryan is a ‘moderate’ – but then so is Romney. One of the many VP picking wisdoms is ‘pick someone you’re compatible with.’ And picking Ryan sends the “we’re going to cut government” signal, which is one of Romney’s main themes. THAT is a good, consistent start.

  8. Jimmy – Why do you think Ryan is a moderate? I’ll grant that I only really know him from his budgetary work, but every time I’ve heard him speak in that area, he’s a hard-core spending cutter.

    What have you heard about him in other areas?

  9. Yes, it’ll be a nonstop bash fest. If they’re shameless about running vacuous “Romney ‘killed my wife,’ ‘tortured his dog,’ ‘laid off poor ol’ Joe Sixpack,’ or ‘never paid taxes'” tripe, then anything goes. They already had Ryan wheeling Granny off the cliff last year. The left can’t argue with the truly appalling facts, so you know it’s going to be nothing but emotional, over-the-top, intelligence-insulting nonsense — probably including something like the dynamic duo of Romney and Ryan, robbing and shooting up a nursing home.

  10. Paul Ryan is HARVEY’s congressman. So now there is an open seat in HARVEY’s district. If only there were someone we could really support – someone who could advance the IMAO positions like moon nuking for example. If only we could think of someone, anyone in HARVEY’s district. Any ideas anyone? Maybe you know someone, HARVEY?.

  11. I had Grandma all strapped into her wheelchair in eager anticipation of a Paul Ryan pick!!!!!! So I couldn’t be happier. Let’s go for a walk, Grandma! 😛

    I have been hoping/praying for it to be Ryan, and was getting worried about the incessant “Pawlenty would be the safest choice” crap that has been flowing over at other sites. Pawlenty sucks. I would have had a hard time just getting out of bed in order to vote, much less donating any time or money to the campaign. Now? I’ll be putting in lots of hours just like I did for Palin. I wonder if it would be too much to ask to get a bumper sticker with Ryan’s name on top instead of Romney’s. I’d totally buy it.

  12. I went to the rally in Manassas today. They both spoke extremely well – and without a teleprompter! Spoke with Carl Cameron and met Anne’s press assistant, too so I feel super spiffy and special.

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