Either the Wookie Chemical Depilatory kit, Barack got for Michelle.
Or the Bo Obama sweater Michelle got for Barack. (It has “Bo Ob”- on the front, and puts the “ama” on the back)
“Obamonopoly” : Everybody’s money just goes in one big pile on the left of the board.
The “chance” and “community chest” cards award food stamps, cell phones, cars, etc.
Which ever player is “The Banker” is the only one who ever goes to jail.
Whoever has the most properties at the end of the game, loses.
… is the Obama Holiday Gift Card – you send in your check; 90% is used to pay government worker Christmas bonuses, 8% goes people you would never personally support, and 2% helps people who really do need and appreciate your kind gift (boy is that 2% ever weird and unexpected..)
The Wok Your Dog Kitchen set
“all the breeds that are good to eat” commemorative plates
a new star wars character collectible “Michelle” action figure
The “Present” present. (You push the button, and it says ‘Present’)
Either the Wookie Chemical Depilatory kit, Barack got for Michelle.
Or the Bo Obama sweater Michelle got for Barack. (It has “Bo Ob”- on the front, and puts the “ama” on the back)
The ChoomyLand Board Game (In the game if you’re elected president, you don’t win, but everyone else loses.)
… A snow globe where a man in red breaks in and takes all of your stuff to give to others.
The Obama head shaped volume knob that goes all the way to 11.
The new Obama Bow-Flex machine. It doesn’t strengthen any part of you – it just makes you more flexible for easier bowing to foreign despots.
The ‘Color Outside The Lines – U.S. Constitution Coloring Book’
is the wookie-leg lamp
is the double-dog-dare-ya flag pole with Biden figurine
enclosedattached@tomg51 “wookie-leg lamp” — it’s a Major Award.
“Obamonopoly” : Everybody’s money just goes in one big pile on the left of the board.
The “chance” and “community chest” cards award food stamps, cell phones, cars, etc.
Which ever player is “The Banker” is the only one who ever goes to jail.
Whoever has the most properties at the end of the game, loses.
The weirdest Obama-themed Christmas gift…is a DIY birth certificate kit.
The weirdest Obama-themed Christmas gift…is a big foam hand to wave in front of people’s faces when photos are being taken.
is the Obama Life board game where the dice are rolled and all decisions are made for you
is the WhoVille game where excess heart tissue is confiscated and relabeled as food stamps and welfare
is the free Obama tree ornament with “present-scan” technology which audits your gifts for tax purposes
…is the James Clapper Clapper, just clap your hands and the light comes on but James is still in the dark.
…the Obama Rice Cooker, nothing sticks to the cooker or the rice!!!
…free Jesus Saves Jobs under picture of Obama tattoos.
…The Deficit Hot Potato game….
The weirdest Obama-themed Christmas gift…an I.O.U. hand signed by the president to your child(ren).
Along the lines of the Drinking Bird we have the new Bowing Obama for Christmas. Keeps on bowing to everything and everyone.
The weirdest Obama-themed Christmas gift…matching family buckets.
The Obama No More Tears Boehner Shampoo.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drinking_bird ( My link on the drinking bird didn’t work)
…was the remoulade marinated collar left for Bo under the tree.
..is the fruit cake from GLBT bakery
Re rodney dill November 26th, 2012 at 1:29 pm
My God, this is doable. Could be more scandalously popular than the Larry Craig Bobblefoot or the Nicole Brown Simpson PEZ dispenser.
….is the retro gift.. Sandy Berger extra-tall high-capacity socks
…a nativity set with jamie foxx as a shepherd, bringing bling and bowing to “our lord and savior” baby obama. michelle is the camel.
… is the Obama Holiday Gift Card – you send in your check; 90% is used to pay government worker Christmas bonuses, 8% goes people you would never personally support, and 2% helps people who really do need and appreciate your kind gift (boy is that 2% ever weird and unexpected..)
…Tickle Me Biden.
…A pre-constructed lego set, because you didn’t build that.
…an Easy Bake Oven large enough to fit a chihuahua.
his third autobiography, “to serve man”
. . . the do it yourself taxidermy kit (you supply the dog)
… is any Christmas gift because Obama is far too worldly to force Christian beliefs on anyone, you xenophobe.
The Heated Toilet Seat that plays Obama singing The Star Spangled Banner whenever anyone sits on it.
As if the free “hecho in Mexico” cell phone wasn’t enough?
The dead are more likely to vote Democratic after the zombies have eaten their brains.
(that one went in the wrong spot)
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