Straight Line of the Day: The Funniest Thing Obama Said at the Gridiron Club Press Dinner…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

The funniest thing Obama said at the Gridiron Club Press Dinner


  1. I’d like to thank all the welders that make that made this event possible. Making gridirons has been providing Americans with good union jobs. Jobs that I personally create or save by coming to these events.

  2. …when I heard I was going to speak at the Gridiron I asked Michelle if that wasn’t where the White House sent my shirts to be pressed.

    …I have to say that my warmest memories are of summer days spent with my dad in Chicago at that other great gridiron, Lambert Fields, watching the Bears take on the Yankees and catching a foul-tip punt from Stan “The Can” Musical.

    …the Force is great Dr. Spock, set Lightphasers to stun.

    …no, no..heh, heh, heh…the smoke coming from under the door in my suite does not mean the Catholics have elected a new pope…heh heh.

  3. it’s important for organizations like this to continue to support football because without football we wouldn’t have the constant supply of citizens with head injuries to keep voting for candidates like me. you know… where I come from, “football” is what we call what you Americans call soccer.

  4. uh uh uh er uhI want you all to know that uh uh uh er uhI love ironing grids, and that joey and uh uh uh er uh I press grids all the time.uh uh uh er uh Ioften travel to Camp David to iron grids. so let me be clear, uh uh uh er uh I am not trying to take your grids away from you, and that you should be able to hunt grids, uh uh uh er uhI am just saying we need sensible uh uh uh er uh regulations of grids.

  5. …I just flew in from the golf course, and boy are the taxpayers arms tired.

    …So a Jew and a Muslim walk into a bar and the bartender goes BOOM!!!! Ha Ha and they had mixed drinks. On the house. Down the street. Ha Ha I don’t get it either.

    …My foreign policy? Talk like a stud but make sure my Sec. of State is a horse of a different color.

    …And then Michelle says does this alternate universe make my butt look fat? And then Michael Moore says does that first ladies butt make me look this skinny or am I just glad to see her?

    …And God says Just the one wish My son, and I’m all like well I’m God now so it’s all good and here we are folks me being all worshiped and stuff and it sure sucks not to be me don’t it?

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