I think this IRS episode demonstrates that the left should focus on cleaning out all its extremists scum before worrying about the right.
Like anyone who cheers on the IRS targeting certain groups should not be a part of any mainstream movement.
Obama acknowledged Benghazi was an act of terror the day after and did it so forcefully none of us came away with that impression.
Obama did not have time to find out about the IRS; he’s too focused on jobs and the economy.
So the NYTimes has just completely given up on trying to not look like a bunch of political hacks, right?
You can’t trust politicians for anything so give them as little power as possible – can never understand why that is controversial.
Buttercup (2.5 yrs) can now draw kitties that actually look like kitties – on the furniture.
“Jews Get Fundraising Bonanza!” -first New York Times headline on the Holocaust
Gosnell found guilty of murder for three victims who never even got to have names.
I heard Obama arguing against the Born Alive Act saying he trusted abortion doctors to do the right thing without oversight. What a jackass.
We do need to get some clips of Obama arguing abortionists will quickly switch gears from killing to saving to play against Gosnell verdict.
he “pro-choice” side can’t express sympathy for the babies murdered because that would work against themselves.
If you feel the need to gloss over infanticide, you need to take a really hard look at your values.
Fun Science Fact: When an alive fetus is removed from the mother, the technical term for it is now “baby”.
Fun Legal Fact: It’s just as illegal to murder a baby as it is to murder you or me!
Fun Fact: Some cultures consider babies to be precious and try specifically to not get them murdered.
Time for someone to ask Obama what we’ll be doing to make sure there aren’t anymore Gosnell’s out there.
Technology cuts against abortion. We saw Buttercup at 10 weeks, moving her little arms, and we didn’t think “clump of cells.”
Wife is a week and a half past due with my son, BTW. Hope he’s worth the wait.
This is what happens when you don’t have an adversarial press. #VoteRepublicanForPresident
Obama should do a prime time address and give us all that “stop worrying about government tyranny!” speech he gave for OSU.
After Obamacare is fully implemented and gets really unpopular, we’ll hear it was all the idea of some low-level worker in Cincinnati.
All these scandals would really weigh on people’s opinions on Obama if they weren’t all so satisfied with the economy.
Going to have to drag a sobbing Carney out to the next press briefing.
I can just imagine Obama breaking down under tough questions at a press conference. “That’s it! You’re all audited!”
Someone get Jon Stewart to do a joke about the DOJ seizing the AP’s phone records to Obama will hear about it.
Obama going after the press? Talking about biting the hand that… I can’t think of non-dirty way to end that.
The media needs to break up from its abusive boyfriend before they get seriously hurt.
So what were we all worried about if Romney became president? Women being put in binders or something?
Maybe there aren’t many reasons to trust the government, but at least it isn’t murdering us… well, other than the targeted assassinations.
Vote a Republican into the presidency and I guarantee you’ll get an adversarial press back in this country.
President Obama: Holy underwear! Bengazi lies exposed! AP’s phone records seized! IRS used as political weapon! We have to protect our phoney baloney jobs here, gentlemen! We must do something about this immediately! Immediately! Immediately! Harrumph! Harrumph! Harrump
It’s hard to fault the reporters for not going after Obama harder – no one wants to get audited.
Like the left has values.
They told me if I voted for Romney, there’d be women dying while trying to get abortions. I did and there are.
YGDFT!YLTATSOTE! There is an apartment in the basement in Dante’s seventh ring with Gosnells name on it. He’s right next to eugenist Margaret Sanger. They should have lots to talk about. Oh I forgot she thinks blacks are inferior. Good times.
I hear they may have come up with a therapy or drug that can increase the human lifespan by a third – Dr. Gosnell would be a great test subject for it.
Life in prison for a baby killer – may it be a long one.
The common, run-of-the-mill murderers and rapists have to have Someone they can look down on, and he’ll do.
Get the poor girl some paper to draw on.
Gosnell & Sanger: The Original Odd Couple Bacon to seanmahair!
Are you sure that’s not a chalk outline? Seems to me you have to draw those where ever the body lands.