Anonymiss of Nuking Politics picked her favorite punchlines to With Harvey in Charge, IMAO’s New Tagline Should Be…
Click here to see if you made the cut.
If you did, you should probably email Keln about becoming a guest blogger there.
If you didn’t, Anonymiss has got another straight line for you to practice on.
Keep trying. No one likes a quitter.
And whatever you do, don’t upset Anonymiss. Although *I* may run things around here with a just and even hand while I forcibly repress those who dare question my expansive authority, Her Infinite Majesty Empress Kitten the First has simply gone mad with power.
On the other hand, this could very well lead to the world’s greatest bacon cookie recipe, so there’s an upside.
Assuming you guys manage to avoid being tossed into the Janeane Garofalo Memorial Dungeon of Unfunniness until it’s perfected.
I note that Her Infinite Majesty Empress Kitten the First post has grown to 106 comments of late. Hmmmm.
Harvey, basically you’re saying “Don’t piss Anonymiss off!” Roger that!
NO GGUUURRRRLLL should be allowed NEAR, much less USE a VULCAN edifice erected to honor the GODS of all real sustenance I am shocked, nay appalled. Won’t sleep tonight. I lost my wooby too.
@2 – Empress Kitten the First is no ordinary gguuurrrrlll. She is the one foretold by prophecy as “she who will bring balance to cookies and bacon”. Truly she is a messenger of the gods of all real sustenance.
Still, Easy Bake Ovens for GGUUURRRLLLs. Cats and Dogs living together? I THINK NOT! BLASPHEMY!!!
And the descent to total Anarchy begins. Ave, Imperator, morituri te salutant
@4 This is the “easy bake oven” my Sweet Shaggy Sovereign gave to me:
It makes me happy. 🙂
What? You don’t like my cookies??
It sure helps me make a LOT of them…
“Easy Bake Oven” – it’ll leave the light on for ya. Or, you can turn if off when you leave.
…forcibly repress…?
Aye, verily, the faithless tyrant comes out from beneath the mottled pelt of a seemingly benign sheep.
Up the Resistance! Up the Rebs! Pog mo thoin, tiocfaidh ar la!
@8 – Blah blah come see the violence inherent in the system blah blah blah