Deafening Silence on the Obama Rodeo Clown in Texas

Liberals were quite cranky about a rodeo clown in Missouri.

A Texas rodeo planned to have an Obama rodeo clown, because they don’t care what the left thinks.

Well, that day has come and gone, and I’m not able to discover a single news story about it.

I suspect the lesson here is that when you refuse to apologize after doing nothing wrong, your insane accusers crawl back into the degenerate rat holes from whence they came.


  1. Yup. The only weapon left in this country has ever really had is the polite desire of the right to actually get along. We don’t like being called names and we don’t really want to offend others. But we’ve reached a point where the new rule is “no more Mr. Nice Guy.”

    In my little town we recently had our county fair. The left went poo-throwing crazy over elephant rides. They threatened everything from boycotts to actual violence if the elephants came. Well, the elephants came…and so did the whole town. The fair attendance and money spent set records. I confronted a couple of Birkenstocked sign carriers about their stance. One of them said, “The Fair Board HAD a chance to be nice.” I corrected him, “No, you mean they had a chance to AGREE WITH YOU.” And he, without thinking, said, “YES!”

    We seriously need to start pushing back, while we still can. At this point all they have are threats and name-calling. It won’t be long though before they have bullets, and then the whole name-calling thing will seem very, very tame.

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