Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.
A new report shows that 55% of Obama’s Twitter followers are fake. The rest…
Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.
A new report shows that 55% of Obama’s Twitter followers are fake. The rest…
… haven’t been found out yet.
…are just Twits.
…voted in Chicago in the last election.
… are merely phoney.
…have been dead since 1962
…are residing in ‘assisted living’ or full ‘dementia centers.’
…are made up.
A new report shows that 55% of Obama’s Twitter followers are fake. The rest…
are demanding cookies!
…are related to the Islamic Rage Boy.
A new report shows that 55% of Obama’s Twitter followers are fake. The rest…
astroturfed Palestinians.
…tweet from their Obamaphones.
A new report shows that 55% of Obama’s Twitter followers are fake. The rest…
thought they were following the Obama Rodeo clown.
A new report shows that 55% of Obama’s Twitter followers are fake. The rest…
wish they were fake too.
A new report shows that 55% of Obama’s Twitter followers are fake. The rest…
mistakenly thought Obama was a new Kardashian.
…might as well have voted for McCain.
…are out of their vulcan mind
…still believe ObungledCare will reduce their health care premiums
…have Kenyan birth certificates
…are composite tweeters.
….just love to watch a train wreck.
…prefer choom to tobacco, 5 to 1.
…are still trying to stop their microwave from flashing “12:00”
…hang to the left.
A new report shows that 55% of Obama’s Twitter followers are fake. The rest…
make up 73% of his followers on Twitter according to reliable Government accounting sources.
A new report shows that 55% of Obama’s Twitter followers are fake. The rest…
will probably vote for Biden in 2016.
A new report shows that 55% of Obama’s Twitter followers are fake. The rest…
only the guys can count to 21.
…are just fakers.
…still live in some sort of basement.
A new report shows that 55% of Obama’s Twitter followers are fake. The rest…
You’ve got to remember, that these are just simple people. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new America. You know… morons.
…are real happy to have you pay for their stuff.
A new report shows that 55% of Obama’s Twitter followers are fake. The rest…
have the right to be stupid, they are just abusing the privilege.
fell out of the stupid tree and hit every branch down.
Just people running DOS.
…are not fake. They are ‘absentee’ twitters.
…have had hemispherectomies. Now, the left side of their brains doesn’t know right from wrong.
…suffer from Dain Bramage…..
…..Are twits….
. . . are fake but accurate.
…could all receive highly sought-after, publicly-funded, retroactive abortions.
…lead lives of noisy desperation.
…include the MSM sycophants who are the only people who actually read the tweets.
…can be spotted by the hordes of flies near, on or in them.
…spend all of their waking hours bragging about the twitter letter that Obama sent them.
…feel great that two plus two now equals something, unlike when Bush was the guy who was maybe president back whenever before they heard of Obama and voting and stuff.
A new report shows that 55% of Obama’s Twitter followers are fake. The rest…
…are 99 percenters
…got paid to follow
…prove that Klingons are allowed on Twitter
…are digitally enhanced.
are Cook County registered voters who also happen to be dead, so they only voted twice in the 2012 election.
…think it’s just great that we’re willing to subsidize their Obamacare.
Hey, GOP! Get your head of that ass’s ass.
A new report shows that 55% of Obama’s Twitter followers are fake. The rest…
are a reliable source of amusement.
…are actually a flock of sheep dressed in human costumes.
… Are my mind-controlled minions voting for Obama to help drive the country into bankruptcy at which time I will buy up the US debt for pennies on the trilliions and forclose on them. And then we can start over!
…are with the Muslim Brotherhood thinking they were following Osama. -They still haven’t noticed the difference.
… Are clearly racist.
… No more important than the fake ones, you existence-supremacist!
… Were just following the trail of cookies.
Are simply drunk
A new report shows that 55% of Obama’s Twitter followers are fake. The rest…
…are their imaginary friends.
A new report shows that 55% of Obama’s Twitter followers are fake. The rest…
… are too busy trying to comprehend the ObamaCare bill to login to Twitter.
… totally regret giving their personal info on that Democratic website.
… are Joe Biden’s imaginary friends.
… couldn’t tweet if you shoved the first robin of spring down their throat.
… are in that special Democratic bloc of voters commonly referred to as ‘dead’.
A new report shows that 55% of Obama’s Twitter followers are fake. The rest…
… are Russian followers assigned to the account by Putin to soothe Obama’s bruised ego.
… are his Kenyan relatives and Indonesian step-brothers.
… are just sucking up for an ObamaCare waiver.
… are off the ‘net temporarily while they complete their 12-step programs.
… are genuine astroturf, just like the playing surface at FedEx Field.
A new report shows that 55% of Obama’s Twitter followers are fake. The rest…
…are ill-informed voters, Acorn voter frauds, Chicago-based bombers, commies and socialists, Frank Marshall Davis fans, Rev. Wright’s parishioners, members of his IRS cadre, members of his Kenyan tribe, Nigerian scammers, identity thieves, internet pedophiles, zombies, vampires, and plain ordinary bullsh!tters.
…are Sunny and Bo fans.
A new report shows that 55% of Obama’s Twitter followers are fake. The rest…
demand to be judged already.
…have degrees in Womyns’ Studies or Social Justice and still live with their parents.
…are all named Julia.
…work for MSNBC.