Straight Line of the Day: If the NSA Spied on Obama’s Phone, They’d Discover…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

If the NSA spied on Obama’s phone, they’d discover…


  1. … nothing new (they’re already listening to the Taliban).
    … Valerie Jarret, George Soros, and Chrisie Matthews on speed-dial.
    … he mostly uses it to play Candy Crush and watch Powerpuff Girls on Netflix.

  2. … whenever he gets Michelle on the phone the battery “mysteriously” goes dead.
    … it is in the possession of one Saul Alinsky.
    … the chickens have finally come home to roast, er, I mean roost.

  3. …the mother of all Obamaphones

    …every Friday night, he gets really baked, calls up the old Choom Gang via conference call, and they spend about 45 minutes going “wazuuuuuuuuup??”

    …fewer and fewer journalists taking his calls

    …a lot of calls to the D.C. animal shelter asking “what’s for dinner?”

    …oh the phone, Michelle sounds just like muted trombone

  4. …that Disney Pals app is still the best way to keep Biden entertained during long boring meetings about grown-up Comminusty things.

    …Chris Mathews gets a thrill up his leg every time Obama calls.

    …most of the time, the phone’s just laying on an empty chair in the Oval Office.

    …Obama doesn’t know how to use a phone – he has well-paid people to do that for him.

    …his Choom dealer’s name.

  5. …the true, sinister reason behind “Bring Your Dog To Work Day” for White House staff.

    …how often he really gets his head stuck in a bucket, and how much the official Head-Bucket Extractor earns.

    …some new colorful Klingon swear words every time Michelle calls.

  6. If the NSA spied on Obama’s phone, they’d discover…

    …that Obama really does have a son and he actually does look like Trayvon

    …he’s spying them

    …that Obama is still waiting for people to accept his invitations to play words with friends.

    …that Obama is stuck on level 1 of Candy Crush

  7. . . . that he really isn’t ready for that 3 AM phone call

    . . . that he has a secret love on speed dial for when Moosh isn’t watching, but Anonymiss has his number blocked

    . . . that he spends a lot of time with because he needs to arrange an individual policy and 2016 will be here before you know it

    . . . that he called poison control six times last year because Joe Biden keeps getting into the cleaning supplies

  8. …he’s been sexting with Angela Merkal.

    …He’s been sexting with François Hollande.

    …the following conversation:

    Barry: “Ah, yeah. Vlad, uh, do think maybe, uh, um, you could lighten, um, up a little, on , uh, you know, uh Syria?”


    Barry: “I’ll, uh, disarm some more, uh, nuclear weapons.”

    Vlad: “You first, comrade.”

    Barry: “Uh, Okay.”

    Vlad: “Bwaa-haa-haa!”

  9. …what accent he uses when he’s not on camera.

    …the number of incoming phone calls that end with “is there someone else there I can talk to?”

    …about once a week, Biden still gets him with the “can you see if Amanda Hugenkiss is there?” gag

  10. …that the reason Angela Merkel stopped spying on his phone is valid, listening to Obama makes you stupider, on the phone it makes you stupider by the minute.

    …that Obama wears George Bush underwear in 9 of 10 selfies.

    …his ring tone for emergency calls from the NSA is Lou Reed’s Metal Machine Music just like the NSA’s hold music which for security reasons Obama is put on until after the emergency.

    …that the solution to a problem is drone strike or golf. If YOU have a solution to something he caused be very afraid when he plays golf.

  11. If the NSA spied on Obama’s phone, they’d discover…

    *ring*ring*ring*Click! “Hello, this is President Obama. I am unable to take your call at the moment but if you leave your name, IRS ID number, and a brief description of any new scandal of my administration that I am blissfully unaware, but which still needs to be covered-up, someone WILL get back to you on the matter, count on it. IF this is an International Emergency please hang up and dial 119. Ask for Vlad. I’m President Obama and I approved this message.” Click!

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