Just Trying to Piss Off God

Whackos, possibly encouraged by the mentally retarded Ninth Circuit, are now protesting the mention of God in the Boys & Girls Club code. With all due respect to other people’s beliefs and principles, people who don’t believe in God are a bunch of creepy weirdos. They should probably protest less and just be thankful God is so kind and benevolent, because, if I were God, I’d be smiting atheists left and right. I’d also try to rework things to see if I could get pi to equally exactly 3 – not that I’m being critical of how things turned out. I’m just saying that maybe that wasn’t His priority, but for a mere mortal that calculus can be pretty hard. If I could just get rid of one more symbol by making it a whole number, things would be a lot easier on the mathematics front.

Now what was I talking about…

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