I was going to comment more on The Limey, but he just wrote back, and it’s hard to damn him more than his own words. Thus, episode six of The Limey is coming tomorrow.
Until then, Combustible Boy of the former The Sound and the Fury has spotted Fascist McFascist (look for the title “WELCOME TO McFASCIST’S HOME of the INFAMOUS NUREMBURGER”). If you have any more Fascist McFascist sighting, please e-mail them to me. The greatest trick Fascist McFascist ever did was convincing the world he doesn’t exist.
BTW, who want to bet whether The Limey mentions Rage Against the Machine again?
YAY!!!! he emailed you back! I hope he didn’t block you….
I still can’t get over how hilariously over-the-top that anti-McDonald’s page is. I was giggling at it for like 20 minutes before I even managed to e-mail you about it, Frank.
Hey, has anyone ever seen Limey and Jingles The McDonald’s Hater together? The similarities are SUSPICIOUS…
No bet.
I’ll bet you a permalink…. 😛
He’s back?
I’m as excited as a liiiiiiiiiiiitle tiny schoooooooool girlllllllllll!
sucker bet. I’ll pass
Wow! Fascist McFascist looks exactly the way I pictured him in my mind. Freaky.
Let Operation Super-Ultra-Mega Sub-Orbital Saturation Bombing of The Limey’s Residence, His Friends, His Family, And His First Grade Teacher’s Residence (Deluxe) Begin!
Your right Dave; sucker bet.
The real bet should be how many times will “RATM” be dropped.
Rage against who?
Rage Against the Computer upon which The Limey reads the conservative opinions that cause him to Rage
Oh great, send me to that site an hour before lunch.
Now I’m really hungry and I can hear that butchered and properly pummeled rost-beef sandwich calling my name.
Also, the first time I read Frank’s post, I swear the last sentence said “Rage Against The Mustache”.
I’d say RATM will be mentioned twice for every fiver paragraphs.
John: you think you’ve got it bad. I’ve got a stomach bug that won’t let me eat anything but jello, applesauce, and saltines, but doesn’t diminish my appetite at all. So basically, I’ve been craving hamburgers and stuff all week, but haven’t been able to eat any of it.
On an ironic note, one thing I can keep down without discomfort is Sprite, which is lemon-lime flavored. Coincidence? Maybe. Funny as heck? Yeah.
I have heard that lemon in English meant “gay” for “girls”, so the Limey might be a gay.
Must be nice to be a Class Warrior, yet still have an Internet connection…they must have nice big fat dole checks in merrie auld England, that many-sceptered isle. And hey all, did you see he has posted IN PERSON adfter Episode 3? Read his drivel and my cheerful replies! 🙂
LOL, sandor, you’re right! my favorite of those pamphlets were the anti-harry potter ones that rambled on and on until i couldn’t determine whether they were raging against harry potter or just the evil quidditch machine.
You’re wasting too much effort on that limey SOB. Like any other troll, he craves the attention.
Dump him and bring back Chomps!! We miss the precious angel-puppy Chomps!!
I know those photos are supposed to be shocking… but they just make me HUNGRY.
I typed in “Fascist McFascist” on Google, and I’ll be damned if IMAO was the only site that came up.
And I will be damned.
Damn I am so sick of these fools–animal rights activists!
They take a completely worthy cause, “animal welfare” (NOT rights) and make the entire thing a laughing stock.
Idiots. They do so much more damage than good. I hope those little %$#@! choke on their tofu!
can someone give me Jingles’s email, i want to piss him off
Geez, all that did was really make me hungry! Beef, its what’s for dinner! That’s why G-D gave us guns, so we can eat meat! These McFascist’s McMoron’s have too much time on their hands — comes from being so freaking nuts they don’t hold a job and have to leach off mummy and daddy.
The Limey is back??!! Clearly, the Loyal Legions of Frank J. Readers (TM) didn’t email the Limey so many times that his mailbox overflowedeth. Let’s get busy! Pummel him with electrons!!
Hey I’m new here, but I can picture little Limey sitting in his dark room alternately pinching puss filled zits and spanking his monkey (damn little monkey spanker) while he fantasizes about the rough headmaster of his little school, paddling his sweaty little bum for being “naughty.” Seething and jealous of us Americans and our uber-culture, rugged individualism, military prowess, the fact that we kicked their asses and bailed them out twice and our straight teeth, Gunga Gin Limey spastically picks away at his keyboard thinking himself a wit. Soon, monkey scalping death mutants will visit Gunga-Gin Limey and the world will hardly notice.
Damn, that link is scary. Almost enough for me to pass on that double cheeseburger. Almost…
the only thing scary about that site is that the human mind is actually capable of such idiocy. And i believe i will have a steak tonight, rare…and i mean really rare…like 30-40 seconds to sear the outside brown but when i put my fork in it is still says MOOO! Why? Because steak tastes like victory over a lesser animal that is only on this planet for our taste buds. Kinda like terroists that way, but i don’t think terrorists taste nearly so good…
Hey, I e-mailed the limey and I’m damn proud. Everyone else should too.
animal rights activists are so stupid.
Big Macs, contrary to what McDonald’s propaganda tells you, are not made out of meat.
Soy: yes
Asbestos: yes
Rubber: yes
Leather: yes
Meat: no
I haven’t had a McDonalds for awhile, but that reminded me of them, so I got a couple cheeseburgers for lunch. And it made me feel GOOD. (Not the food, that was just “okay,” but I loved doing something that would outrage a nutcase like that.) Humm, maybe McDonalds should pay them for the advertisement.
Oh, please tell me the Animal Freedom Fighter website is a gag, like a Landover Baptist type thing…that loon-acy cannot be the work of a serious person, can it?
I got $5 that says The Limey mentions Rage Against the Washing Machine at least 4 times in the next piece. Any takers?
btw, can i borrow $5?
Chomps!!! We want Chomps!!! Dump the Limey Bastard and bring back Chomps!!
Hmm, much as I would love to believe the Animal Freedom Fighters site IS a gag, life has taught me that lunacy knows no boundaries among the brainless (not to say humorless) pawns of the Left. My Mom’s brother, my very own uncle, was sent a bomb in the mail. He survived, though the intent was clearly to kill him. It was sent by a splinter group of the Animal Liberation Front, the “rationale” apparently being that he is a cattle breeder. It could have been any cattle breeder, so I suppose we shouldn’t take it personally – but if I ever find out who did it, I will make them look more or less like the second pciture on the left side of the “McDeath Photo Gallery”.
Someone should tell these guys a fact glossed over in “Bambi” and other movies that inform their philosophy: animals kill and eat each other. Sometimes in really yucky ways. It’s true!
Maybe “Jingles” is the guy who sent my unc the bomb! If you all will maybe donate $5 toward my plane fare so I can get out to Venice, I’ll whack his head off and put it on a pike!
Frank, why don’t you make everyone happy and feed the Limey to Chomps?
Somebody named Nazi McFascist apparently works for the Cato Institute…
Must be a relative of Fascist.