Preparations Take Two

Here’s the same messages as before coded with pad X-5
6f a1 82 f4 74 1b c3 82 ef e7 64 8a 39 7a 52 53
dc e4 ba b1 70 8d 0b 5c 58 c4 f1 75 84 9f 78 88
f2 9c 9f fd f5 23 6b fa d5 34 7c 40 4a e5 0f a5
4d c0 91 ca 29 86 d8 be 88 a9 c4 29 3c f8 9f e6
9b 5b 73 3b 55 74 cb ad ac ab 89 c3 de 85 77 26
7a d8 2f 6f 6b 23 09 06 07 84 92 f1 f6 4a 16 f3
9e aa 5c 49 4f f1 fe ac 44 0e 18 d5 66 40 6c 9d
9e 60 91 47 c4 e0 a0 a2 8a a6 3f ce 8f 19 27 11
07 4e 5f 8e 81 ca b0 70 37 e4 6c 18 da 1d 84 60
0c be fb 38 34 4a e2 38 4c 9d 7f 08 2b 39 68 26
c1 a5 4e de d1 60 d2 59 4d 36 7e 78 3a df 68 e6
28 03 19 0c 79 30 27 9a 8c be 50 bb 4f 84 7c 50
20 df 99 29 89 4a 42 ee b3 e8 b6 01 5d e6 48 45
6f 3d 3b ff 08 6b f7 9e e9 8c 01 4d ed 59 2b f0
0c 7c 00 86 16 c6 37 40 25 91 cf 84 2f 43 1e ca
d8 7a 69 72 66 d7 f9 a2 02 e7 ec 95 71 10 76 c6
7e 83 da 91 6d 6c 10 63 f3 aa c5 83 cf 7c 03 44
94 b0 47 bc aa 74 2b d6 88 9c 37 ef b3 df 9d c0
be 54 75 33 ef 1f 0f 7f fc 77 ca 1c 71 d0 fe e4
56 c9 79 9b e5 b5 89 ee 04 65 cb 70 28 c6 02 18
Orion had both given a nice program (Wakazachi – that’s a Japanese short sword) for me to encode things and has this program for windows users to decode. If you don’t have Windows, Orion provided this webpage to get the job done.
Everyone praise Orion now!!
When preparations are done, we should be able to have quicker response time for the actual mission.
Remember the first and second rules…


  1. Frank, if there were a message and we were to decode that message, it would be really “spy like” to print the message out and eat it. But I’m not saying I know anything about a message.

  2. I signed up for the fan club list but never got sent the one time pads. I downloaded the decoder but I can’t paste anything into any of the text boxes. And I can’t find the easter egg. Anyone want to commit treason against FrankJ and help me figure out how to decode the messages?

  3. Aww. I wanna know what the easter egg is. I went to all the trouble of getting Virtual PC and everything and now I can’t figure it out. Kind of sad I can get windows running on a Mac but I can’t figure out a simple easter egg.

  4. Jason,
    Select the message from here, then press CTRL-C to copy it, then click in the CODE box on Katana and press CTRL-V – that SHOULD work – if it doesn’t, drop me an e-mail and we’ll whip it into shape!
    Of course, if you don’t have the one-time pad, it won’t do you any good…Sounds like something’s going on with the Fan Clubs – everyone checks their Bulk-Mail folder, right? My first message from the fan club got auto-sorted into the bit-bucket, so I created a magnet for it. (POPFile rules – 99.4% accurate on gettin’ rid of the spam!)

  5. I quit, I send in my five dollars for the secret decoder ring and all I get is this drivel. It might be time to join the Anti-Frank J. League of American, east coast division.

  6. Actually Frank, if you’d foolishly used the pseudo-random-number-generator in your computer instead of a pure random source like atmospheric noise to generate the pads, using two pads on the same message would give an enormous boost to statistical methods of cracking the pad sequence.
    Of course, only a spatula-wielding ninja would do something so foolish.

  7. So what if you treat the message as the key? Pretend that Frank mixed up message and key. Both are unknown and can be random. The only difference is that since the message is a message, it has a lower entropy.
    So, now he has used the same key(message) to send two different messages(keys).
    How is that different?

  8. AC,
    Since the pads are completely random (well, I used, it XOR’d with a non random message equals a completely random output. The same non-random message XOR’d with another random pad gives you another completely random output. No relation can be deduced between those two outputs… as long as the pads really are completely random.

  9. I took one look at my pad and started to cry! Whyyyyyyyy does this have to be so hard??! Can’t you just email me what the message is? I’m at work here, I don’t have the time to…well…work! I only have time to type a message into your comments section, the rest of my time is spent shuffling papers..

  10. Orion, you rock! I decrypted the first message somewhat-manually (though I used Excel for conversions because I’m a CPA & Excel’s my solution for everything) and was so happy when I got back from my 3-day internet blackhole and downloaded the awesome Katana. So now I can consider the first work a labor of love for Frank J.

  11. AC, the difference is that two messages from one pad creates two different but ordered pieces of information, whereas one message through two pads does not. It’s the ordering of the message that’s used to break it, not simple repitition.

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