Do As the Pretty Girl Beckons and Buy My T-Shirts

SarahK, the IMAO T-Shirt Babe, showing her support for Chairman Mao
The modeling photos are finally in. I chose my favorite and have them randomly rotating on the sidebar. Here are all SarahK sent me, though.
Showing off the logo:
Front 1
Front 2
Front 3
Front 4
Front 5
Front 6
Front 7
Front 8
Front 9
Terrorists are bad:
KTE: Terrorists 1
KTE: Terrorists 2
KTE: Terrorists 3
KTE: Terrorists 4
KTE: Terrorists 5
French are smelly:
KTE: The French 1
KTE: The French 2
KTE: The French 3
KTE: The French 4
One day the moon will be nuked:
Nuke the Moon 1
Nuke the Moon 2
Nuke the Moon 3
Nuke the Moon 4
Nuke the Moon 5
Nuke the Moon 6
Now we’ll have to see what the villainous Wizbang and the traitorous Willow (that reminds me; I still need to send her her t-shirt she won) will do in response. Where are your t-shirt modeling photos? Where are your t-shirts, for that matter?
I am Frank J., king of t-shirts and babes!

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  1. –SarahK… AWESOME…!
    –Doesn’t matter what whizbang and willow do… they are DONE!!!
    –I never thought there was much of a future in stalking… but I may have to change my mind now!!

  2. I like big butts and I cannot lie….
    lol. But seriously. Very nice pictures. SarahK is a hottie. Need more pics with guns, though… And, ummm….. the “rearview” pics need to include a little more of her derrier. 🙂 If you got it, why not flaunt it?

  3. “The best part is now we can sit at our desks hitting “refresh” and get a funny IMAO quote and another cute picture of Sarah each time.
    This is what the internet is all about, boys!”
    Damn right….incase you didn’t know…sarahK is watching out for ninjas who might try and steel these pics…before frank could of gotten them…
    ninjas known as wizbang and willow.

  4. Excellent T-shirt babe pics Sarah! Great marketing plan Frank.
    BTW It is surprising what kind of comments you get in a NTM t-shirt. Complete strangers wanting to know if it is some kind of rock group or something. I tell them to go to the website and see.

  5. Where are the photos where the T-Shirts are wet?!? I need to know that if the alleged superstorms that the moonbats keep harping about really come, that I can have a T-Shirt that will hold up.
    Really. That’s why. I promise. So gimme the photos already!

  6. hubba hubba… speechless… rawr
    I’m reminded of an AC/DC lyric: “…She was the best damn woman I had ever seen, she had the sightless eyes, tellin’ me no lies, knockin me out with those American thighs…”

  7. I love you and want you to be the mother of my children.
    Will you be my wife?
    I live in Oregon can you move here?
    Seriously though, you are beautiful and any good Christian man would be honored to have you as his wife.
    God bless you sweetheart, keep smiling

  8. Great photos sarahk- I’m jealous!
    And I just have to say how fun it is walking around Berkeley in my supercool Nuke the Moon shirt… got some interesting comments 😛

  9. Great pictures, sarahk! They would almost make me buy a shirt, but alas! I just put $36 into my gas guzzling SUV and cannot afford it this week…And considering I came in 20th place out of…well…20, I didn’t get a free one! 🙁

  10. thanks everyone, but i’m quickly losing my humility; y’all should say some less nice stuff about me… oh wait, BearHunter, i heard that — who am i kidding? i’ve got lotsa butt, no denying.
    CCinCali, you have GOT to be kidding about 20th place, there’s no way; and i have you beat — i put $40 in my SUV just now. Joshua, wow, i’m quite flattered. Joel, don’t try resisting, buy lots! lots i say!
    on a sad note, i went to see Harry Potter tonight (awesome flick), and no one asked about my NTM shirt. 🙁

  11. Normally, I know a lot, and have a lot to say. But right now, I’m feeling lightheaded, as if all the blood had drained from my brainpan. All I know is this: SarahK needs to be my luuuuv slave. I’ll see if Mrs. Bowen will ok it, and get back to you.

  12. hehe. Just stating the facts, ma’am. I think you have a nice bum (what I saw of it, anyway.) You really should show it more. 🙂 Shake that thang, baby!!! 🙂
    I’ve got a Ford Excursion that I use for hunting and running over stinky hippies, and it takes nearly 48 bucks to fill it up. I got ya all beat.


    When Frank J. of IMAO held his T-shirt Babe contest, I threw caution to the wind and admitted to not having voted for the winner, SarahK of Mountaineer Musings. Well, Frank has the Babe pics up now, and I have…

  14. Oh, you Johnny come latelys. I have known Sarah for over a year now and I have known she was a serious hottie for a long time, and a really great girl besides. She is definitely all that and more.

  15. I reference to nuke1.jpg, I must say:
    “My goodness, look at your curvy little self!”
    Another word that comes to mind is “Wowee!”
    Seriously, you are quite the yummy girl, what with your curvy hips and all. Very cute! If you ever find yourself in the DC area, I’ll be happy to wine you and dine you.

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