Helpful Suggestion From a Concerned Citizen

Anarchists are going to try and disrupt the GOP convention by spending time at a shooting range to get gunpowder residue on them so they can falsely alert bomb sniffing dogs. Seems like a lot of work when shooting them at close range would also get gunpowder residue on them.
Just a thought.


  1. Hmm BOMB sniffing dogs detect GUN powder residue? I am ignorant in these matters but is this true statement?
    Also wouldn’t a dirty smelly hippy even in disguse stand out like sore thumb?

  2. They should be easy enough to spot. At least one in the group will be limping from the bullet wound in their foot. Can you see them at a range?
    Where do the bullet thingys go? I can’t pull this all the way back – help me!

  3. It is funny how the “liberals”, “peaceniks”, “Total Tolerance” bunch are the ones abusing US veterans at 4th of July parades in the Northwest and planning terrorist-type tactics to disrupt the Republican Convention. I really don’t think we want these hate mongers in the white house do we? They sure seem ready to terrorize Americans.
    I bet they think it would be funny if a bomb dog on a subway went nuts and the crowd panicked and trampled a few old women and little children.
    I bet Moore could do another documentary about how it was Bush’s fault.
    He might even call it “To Kill A Mockingbird” just to randomly steal another person’s title again.

  4. Sigh, they’re ignorant and probably idiots.
    Bomb dogs don’t sit (they don’t go nuts when they smell explosives, they simply sit down) for expended gunpowder. They might trigger on it if they spent all day at in indoor range with heavy firing but it takes work. They might have better luck going to a sporting goods store and buying a pound of black powder and sprinkling it on themselves (can I have a match?). Besides, this is the GOP, you’d expect to have shooters there.

  5. First, I thought anarchists were different from hippies in that hippies want communist order whereas anarchists want no order at all.
    Second, given that definition, how would anarchists ever organize? If they want no order, it seems they would have a hard time signing on to a large-scale, orchestrated plan.
    Stupid Anarchists.

  6. Firethorn,
    I realize that the dogs don’t freak, I have seen ’em in action, but I wonder if these morons know it.
    You sound better informed than I though on bomb dogs, so I ask you, does it really take so much to trigger? We had a bomb scare in our office last year (a prank) but had to evacuate etc…when the bomb technicians showed up with the dog, they first did a test. One officer took a single shell (un fired) from his belt and stashed it under some magazines on one desk. Then they brought the dog in. He wandered up and down the isles and sure enough hit (by sitting as you said) on that stack of magazines.
    This may just be some internet bozos talking about what they ‘could’ do rather than what they have the balls to actually do, but since their stated goal is to occupy police to the point that they cannot actually protect the convention, do they really need that much? From what I saw, it seems like a single blackcat firecracker in your pocket would be enough to trigger the dogs?

  7. Someone has overlooked a very basic fact. Hippies smell. They could douse themselves in gunpowder, kerosene, and every other explosive element (hey, it’a all-natural too) and I doubt any dog could smell it.
    If Patchouli ever becomes an explosive substance, we going to have a lot of dogs going crazy.

  8. In regards to the comment about anarchists and order, I am president of my local anarchists club, and when I wish to organize a demonstration, I usually refer the matter to a committee, when they are through running the ideas through their group, they pass it back up to the full assembly where the entire membership gets to vote on it. That’s how its alway done.

  9. Frank:
    Would we receive extra credit this semester for shooting hippies? I need to boost my GPA. On the other hand, I am willing to do my bit to help the left accumulate the proper aroma level pro bono.

  10. Not that this has much to do w/the subject, but I have a question regarding a news story I saw on my Yahoo! homepage…
    “NEW YORK – A new documentary backed by liberal political groups aims to document that the Fox News Channel is anything but “fair and balanced,” despite the cable-news network’s motto.”
    Question: why does the media make such a stink about news groups that THEY FEEL slant to the right, but nobody seems to care when it’s slanted in the other direction…?
    Did I just answer my own question…?

  11. My question is do you have anything better to do with your life than disrupt things? Destroy other peoples property? Sheesh! Pugnacious anarchists!
    At least you can tell the hippies, who are somewhat different, to go help feed the children or go tree-sit or worship mother gaia or read iamwrong, just don’t waste resources. Like we don’t know you hate the GOP in the first place.
    So much for love and tolerance. Bah!
    I would consider anyone trying to do this as a terrorist, especially if they cause a panic, and people or property get hurt / destroyed as the result of that.
    Either that, or have Rummy stand gaurd with Chomps, heh heh.
    Hey you smell like gun powder – GRRR!!!!

  12. Slightly off-topic, but a true hippie anarchist story!
    We were out looking for a missing 15 year old with a reputation as a moonbat. So, we stopped in at a hippie/anarchist meeting place to see if she was there. The head asshat went ballistic (can anti-gun nuts go ballistic?) that the police were there “without a warrant” and promptly threatened to call his attorney. I then asked him what kind of self-respecting anarchist had a lawyer. He stood there with his mouth open while my sergeant started laughing so hard she had to leave the room.
    My point, and I do have one, is what kind of hippie anarchist is going to have a gun?

  13. Don’t these idiots know that there will be cops and Secret Service on every rooftop? With rifles, binoculars, cameras, laptops, facial identification software and radios?
    Talking to other cops and Secret Service on the ground. Ready to surround, confront,’segregate’ and Beat Down any of the main leaders.
    Long before they get anywhere close to the Convention Center?

  14. I seriously doubt any anarchists will get anywhere near a (professional) shooting range. No rangemaster would allow them on the premesis, and if the anarchists tried to use some random area as an impromptu range, they would most likely be arrested. Plus, where are they going to get the firearms?
    Even if they don’t get gun powder residue on them, I’m sure the dogs will notice the tremendous marijuana smell and body odors eminating from the hippies.
    Regardless, if the need arises I’ll happily donate several 230 gr. .45 ACP Remington Golden Saber JHPs (hollow end first, of course).

  15. Anarkin, technically, a commitee is a form of order.
    I must admit, I am myself considered an anarchist. I believe that all authority is God’s, and that entrusting our rights, given to us by God for OUR use, with any man made artificial creation of cooercion and power is damn near idolatry and is blashpemy. Thus I believe in the continual limiting and eventual dissolution and of human government. This is because I believe in the Second Coming of Christ. Sooner or later, God Almighty will rule, not in the traditional manner of Kingly Royalty, but in the same manner as his first coming: entering the hearts and minds of the people; internalizing God’s government within every person. Sadly, the “anarchists” of today are nothing like that. Many are ultra-libertarians, who forsake any human’s right to govern another (something I agree with to an extent). Others follow the time honored slogan “Screw the government!…but only when Republicans are in power.” There is in existence people who refer to themselves as anarchists but are little more than militant socialists. So yes, most anarchists are dirty hippies hardly worthy of execution with a real man’s bullet, but remember that that word, “anarchist”, can refer to some pretty conservative folks like me.

  16. I don’t think you can be sure bomb-sniffing dogs will react to gun powder residue.
    I would recommend to them, just to be certain, to try to get bomb residue on themselves. And to really get the dogs going, they should get lots of residue on themselves.
    This can be achieved by detonating a very large bomb at close range. The closer the better. Like sitting on top of it.
    Just trying to be helpful.

  17. I don’t think that residue from a day at the range would “alert” a bomb-sniffing dog — not enough to key upon.
    Besides, gun ownership is heavily restricted in the NYC area and non-residents lacking appropriate permits might have hard time securing range time. Not that legality is a worry for a bunch of pseudo-anarchists anyway.

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