
In two days – Friday – is my second blogiversary and International Link to IMAO Day. If you have a blog, either pick a new post or an old favorite to link to. Heckle and deride all who don’t link me… especially the Daily Kos!
I’ll be in Sun Valley that day, so I don’t how easy it will be for me to get internet access to post. If it takes me a while, don’t freak out too much at the big surprise.

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  1. Well, that’s just great! Frank will be off in Sun Valley and John Kerry will be making his annual trip to Ackerman’s Horse Farm for his annual teeth cleaning. Me? I’ll be here sipping Clamato juice while pondering the existance of Wayne Newton. But that’s life. And life is life. And east is east and west is west and if you take cranberries and stew them like applesauce, they taste much more like prunes than rhubarb does.
    Pate, anyone?

  2. Krautstink – A haiku goes 5-7-5 syllables, and you seem to have done 10-7-9. That is no haiku. An appropriate haiku for John Kerry would be:
    Kerry Frenchman is,
    Who by the way, served in Nam
    Kerry badges throws.
    There’s a haiku for you. Frank, aside from being the top of my blogroll, I’ve linked to you many times and I already have a post that I chose for your blogiversary(my bro’s bday). I chose the, “You might be a comminust if…” post. Oops, I wasn’t supposed to tell.

  3. ha! I would like to see driveling Kerry supporters beat our poetry! We can be warlike and poetic at the same time. The true essence of Democracy, really.
    Ode to the Left
    Michael Moore is whore
    a big fat and hairy bore
    Leaning left and eating people
    His bantering is quite feeble
    John Kerry has seduced too many.
    But he can’t stop our Bush and Cheney.
    Back to his money he will run,
    And righties will have lots of fun.

  4. I’m sorry for the consecutive post’s, but I am so proud to be listed as “Wrong” by a filthy hippy… I’m even prouder to be listed under Steven den Beste and in the same list as Frank J. and Glenn Reynolds and Roger Simon and stuff. That makes me feel cool, and wrong about Iraq of course.

  5. It warms my heart to see good people on the wrong list. I only wish I had a site so that I could be wrong too. And to think, earlier I was just jelous as all get out about John Edwards being from a southern state!

  6. It all goes back to the well-worn (though still useful) chestnut: “consider the source”. It can only warm the cockles of my heart (yea, even unto the sub-cockles) to be called wrong by people so readily and so often refuted by the facts. God bless you, IWW, for making my day! :oD

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