The documentary Spiderman 2, which focuses on how having mutant spider powers affect your average man, made $30-35 million yesterday. No word on whether that beat out Fahrenheit 9/11‘s gross that day or whether Spiderman 2 is affecting people’s views on President Bush.
but scott ott already determined that spiderman 2 does indeed affect peoples voting
hahahahaha! i wonder about that wizard documentary too — what’s it called? the one with the kids and the Hippogriff and the flux capacitor, i mean time-turner? that one made me love Bush even more, so it must have worked.
The first liberal to come in here and say that Spiderman 2 isn’t a documentary gets the official label of “Humor Impaired Retard.”
Don’t all movies make you think about W??? It does for me! Frank, wasn’t that the point of our covert operations section of the VRWC? Mwahahahahahah! Resistance is futile, Michael, I’ve never met a twinkie I didn’t like, Moore-rons.
Isn’t Dodgeball a liberal documentary? It’s all about the “little guy” beating the “big bad bully”. That sounds remarkably like Mr. (Waaa, I had to borrow $6.4M to run my election campain) Kerry vs. President George W. (Kerry who?) Bush, don’t it?
you rock frank
Are those numbers inflation-adjusted?
I have a brilliant idea. Let’s make our own retarded Liberal movie that attacks (or claims to attack) Bush. We’ll “fight” against its release to cause a big stir. Then we’ll release it on election day so all the liberals will go to see that rather than vote. If we threaten to protest at the opening, even more liberals will show up to counter protest. Most of them won’t realize it’s election day till they hear the results the following day!
LibertyBob, after reading that comment, I now promise to read your website every day. (Don’t worry Frank, I still consider you to be the greatest blogger of all time.)
WHITE CHICKS! it’s a conspiracy to make us love the Bush twins.
I don’t know why, but when I saw that movie, I had the urge to vote for “W” even more than usual.
I love libertybobs idea. Let’s do this. Let’s fake an Republican event outside the USA, maybe France, since they won’t notice the smell. Naturally, they will want to take up their picket signs and bongs, and go protest. By the time they got back we’d have shut the doors and revoked their citizenship – thereby letting them be the socialist they really want to be.
Spider-Man 2 is a documentary. A documentary in allegory!
Spidey himself is Conservative Everyman. He works his ass off, fights the good fight, gets no appreciation from the people he works with, and the Media (represented by J. J. Jameson) hates him. Nonetheless, the majority of the public appreciates what he does.
Doc Ock is the representation of modern Liberalism: a man with the best of intentions who becomes fused with soulless entities (the robot arms) in the pursuit of his doomed experiment to create an Earthly utopia. His overweaning pride and refusal to admit mistakes, coupled with the ruthless, amoral urgings of his artificially intelligent robot arms corrupt his nobility and turn him into a sociopathic monster.
J. Jonah Jameson represents (as previously stated) the Media. This amusing, unscrupulous cad’s hatred of Spider-Man causes him to intentionally misrepresent Spidey again and again, and paint him as a monster. He’ll report news that casts Doc Ock in a negative light, but only if he can implicate Spidey at the same time.
There are a lot of other allegorical elements, but I don’t have the time to go into them, and I don’t want to post any movie spoilers. I will say that the movie is a lot of fun, and heartily recommend it.
He’s good folks, lets give him a big hand!
check it here:
Not only is Spiderman smashing box office records, but I got the feeling its on the side of good, from the last shot of the first movie. Spiderman is up with the American flag on the Empire State Building.
Spiderman is a good movie, and probably has more truth in its fictitious storyline than there is in the entire “documentary” of Jabba the nuts.
I liked the post up above translating the points. Its true that Spiderman represents Conservatives. I just usually watch movies for entertainment, not for the deeper points. At face value, Spiderman seems like an awesome movie, while that other film supported by terrorists is pure crap. I’m waiting to see it fail to pull 1 mil this weekend, now that the media isn’t hyping it constantly. And that’s on many more screens. Now that would teach the libs a lesson.
Sadly, you cannot teach a liberal a lesson.
If I remember correctly didn’t Spidey get that way through WMD’s? Well, we’ve all been told by the liberals there were no WMD’s so this movie is lying.
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