This Long National Nightmare Comes to an End

Too tired to write about anything; had another night of free food and drinks (it’s called networking). Just want to say that the next post you see from me will be back from my home base in Florida. See you then.


  1. Frnak, you better hurry up and post something funny, some of the comments are getting silly. Have a safe trip home. though I thought surely you’d be making a stop in TX. oh well.

  2. Frank,
    Happy homecoming! We are all looking forward to your safe return, and eminent funny postings.
    I will be getting my very first gun this year.
    Actually my 3rd, but this one will be brand spanking new.
    My question for you……
    Have you ever heard of Cryo-Accurizing?
    Is this a good thing for me to have done when I get my Glock 23C?
    I know you aren’t the biggest Glock fan but I really like this one.
    Am I getting a good deal?
    Or did they see me coming?

  3. Are you sure you didn’t stop by in Iowa? While Bush and Kerry were in Davenport at the same time, three banks in that town were robbed. It seems all the local law enforcement was busy with security for the candidates and couldn’t watch the naks. Since that makes the robberies clever, I thought “Hey, Frank is clever. And he’s in the midwest. Didn’t he just lose huge sums of cash in Vegas? I wonder…”
    Bank robberies are bad.

  4. Francesco, I have Doom 3, and while it’s technologically phenomenal, I’m a bit disappointed. I was around 12 or 13 when Doom first came out, and Doom 3 just doesn’t have that feeling of horror or good vs. evil. I think it’s because you spend too much time with the friggin’ flashlight snooping around, and not giving demons hot lead.

  5. Frank!
    Like Bob I was confused about the headline. I thought that the Dimocrat version of the rapture had occurred! I had visions of empty organic supermarkets and teacher’s lounges across the country and the average national IQ raising 20-30 points. Tumbleweeds blowing across Rodeo Drive and Times Square. The majestic European forests reclaiming villages and towns…oh well…sigh

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