There are two main parts to organized crime: the organization and the crime. I focus pretty much exclusively on the crime half… and I’m very good at that half. But those tasked with the organization have a tendency to screw things up from time to time, and, to be frank, that sometimes makes me a little irate. And, as a certified psychopath, you think people would be more cautious about making me irate.
I took out my phone. “Vito, my instruction were to kill the purple alien with tentacles out of its head at the north most bar in Zertres, right?”
“Yeah. What’s up?”
“I see about three dozen purple aliens with tentacles coming out of their heads in front of me, that’s what.”
“Uh… maybe I got the instructions wrong. Maybe you’re supposed to kill the alien there that isn’t purple with tentacles coming out of its head.”
“That would be me, Vito! And I don’t get paid enough to take on someone as dangerous as me. Can you at least get me a name?”
“No, I’m afraid I’m a couple layers away from where the order originated. The target should be there, but it would probably take me hours to…”
I hung up on Vito and took a deep breath (never kill angry). One option was to kill everyone there, but I had neither the time nor the explosives for that. Since about all the patrons of the bar were looking at me and noting my lack of purpleness and tentacles, I decided to try a direct approach to locate my target. I’ve never been much for discretion anyway; I’m a hitman, not an assassin.
“Anyone here have reasons a major crime syndicate would want him dead?”
Ooh a sci-fi crime comedy mystery.
Throw in a love story, magic and the old west and you’ve hit every fiction genre out there.
I think somebody’s been playing way to much StarWars
This could be interesting, keep it coming.
It could be. Just thought of a start; not sure where its going. Thought it might be a near writing exercise while I don’t have time to work on a proper novel.
I love sci-fi crime comedy mysteries! That’s what Firefly is! Come to think of it, Firefly also has the love story, magic, and old west, too, so there you have it! Feel free to throw in more genres, Frank!
Frank, have you been blogging under the influence again?
I will admit I am intrigued though.
More, please.
If anyone reading this has experience making web cartoons with Macromedia Flash or knows a talented Flash animator, please contact Frank.
frankj [at] imao [dot] us
I do, but I don’t have the time to really work on that involved of a project. My company keeps flying me around all over the place. I’ll work with someone else on it, though. If they do the artwork I can do the animation and lay in the sounds. I just can’t possibly do everything… Unless I find a new job soon (I’m looking!!!)
Yes, I say the “e-mail me” comment, but this will have to do. As I cannot commit 100% to it… Still, it would be wicked cool to work with the great and might Frank J!
“Throw in a love story, magic and the old west and you’ve hit every fiction genre out there.”
Now magic and a love story will just have to come later, but all you need to do to make it old west is replace the word “bar” with “saloon” wherever it occurs, unless of course it’s something like “then I bashed him repeatedly over the head with a crowbar”
Great story