Well, after all of these years, I think the real Bush Agenda is finally out in the open:
NASA briefed senior White House officials Wednesday on its plan to spend $100 billion and the next 12 years building the spacecraft and rockets it needs to put humans back on the Moon by 2018.
The space agency now expects to roll out its lunar exploration plan to key Congressional committees on Friday and to the broader public through a news conference on Monday, Washington sources tell SPACE.com.
U.S. President George W. Bush called in January 2004 for the United States to return to the Moon by 2020 as the first major step in a broader space exploration vision aimed at extending the human presence throughout the solar system.
One hundred billion dollars is a lot of money. It’s also the amount that’s been discussed as the final price tag of cleaning up after Hurricane Katrina.
Could it be that these figures are actually for the same sinister project?
That’s right…
Not only does President George W. Bush hate black people, but he’s going to launch them up to the moon. And with the help of the neoconservative movement, Karl Rove steered a city-swamping Class Five hurricane at New Orleans to set this evil plan into motion!
New Orleans may have been a port to the cities along the Mississippi and interior of the nation, but the moon is considered the doorstep to exploration and exploitation of the vast resources of our Solar System.
And exploitation this is! On a lunar, racist, genocidal scale!
Do you doubt me? Well, take a look at this:
One of NASA’s reasons for going back to the Moon is to demonstrate that astronauts can essentially “live off the land” by using lunar resources to produce potable water, fuel and other valuable commodities.
Live off the land? Other valuable commodities?
Repeat after me: cotton.
That’s right. We’re back to cotton and plantations and the fake slavery of the Antebellum South.
I think this false promise of vast wealth sounds a lot like those so-called oil revenues of Iraq that would pay for his Corporate Halliburton Welfare program going on over there in Fallujah and Najaf and Burkmenistan and Tadjikiville. Imperialism in its cruelest, most naked form!
It all sounds an awful lot like the “Forty acres and a mule” promise given by General Sherman to the freedmen and so viciously vetoed by President Johnson. Bush is going to settle that down payment on slavery reparations, but apparently he’s only going to offer those forty acres with just a sixth of the gravity under them!
Those gigantic cruise ships he had Carnival Cruise Lines hand over? Just huge slave-ships to send the people back to Africa, where the top-secret launchpads for the spacecraft to the moon are hidden.
Bush must not be allowed to do this. He must be stopped.
I suggest that you write the NAACP, Operation Push, Al Sharpton’s (not-for-profit) ministry, CAIR, the Urban League, the Congressional Black Caucus, and BET immediately to stop this sinister plot!
Thank you.
(Although helping Frank nuke the moon sooner rather than later will also foil Bush’s plan. And he won’t pocket as much of the funds as Sharpton or Jackson, because he doesn’t have any bastard children through his secretarial pool to support. Yet.)
There must be oiiiiiiiiil on the moon, by God.
and I didn’t even say “First!”
Vote Yes! for American Galactic Imperalism!
or as Ariana Huffington said last night, “Bush ignored the black people after Katrina, which proves we are an empire!”
Oh, sure. Not only does Chimpy McHalliburtonbloodforoilovich want to kill all the black people, now he wants to exploit all the green people (Native Moon-ericans), too! That BASTARD!!!
No, you got it all wrong. A few years back, Karl Rove personally faxed Frank J. a memo to write something about nuking the moon in order to get support for the idea. Once Bush’s plan is in place, the moon will be nuked because of overwhelming public support for the idea, killing everyone on living on it.
Frank, do you even have a secretarial pool to impregnate?
Put 50-pound shoes on the mules. That’ll help ’em stay grounded. As long as they don’t jump too high.
I’m not sure if even the “reality shows” are ready for a mule tooling along at 40 feet. Especially if he finally comes down kicking on your head.
40 Acres and a M.U.L.E.
(This will only make sense to old farts who had Apple ][s.
Doesn’t ring a bell here, only because I’ve never dealt with Apple/Mac comps.
Micro$oft is bad enough. At least you can get software for it, bad as it may be sometimes….
OK, much of the time…
I think we can put a lot of lefties on the moon for $200 billion. They’d be happy up there with no guns, no evil corporations, no rule of law and (literally) a clean environment.
The Prez could raise my taxes to pay for it.