Frank Write Good

John Hawkins listed me as one of his choices for right-of-center writers (out of anyone in the whole wide world, apparently). I think I’m creative, but I never thought I was a very good writer (I know when to use there, their, and they’re – I just don’t care!).
Oh, and for those wondering, Rico is not based on me at all. I wrote the first part of that story on a whim, and now I’m stuck trying to make the reader sympathize with a psychopath (while remaining true to how I defined him). Actually, as a Christian, that’s a good mental exercise.


  1. Well, gee, Frank, I never came right out and SAID you were a psychopath!
    And yeah, creating reader sympathy for a cold-blooded killer can be tough, but don’t think there’s not parallels in Rico’s character and other unrelated writing of yours (all humor stuff from over the years, of course).

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