Howard Dean, the answer to the question “What would a KosKid maggot look like if it matured into a fly?”, has now publically said that race factored in who lived and who died.
The liberal scum are not the majority of the Democrats in America, but a kook heads the party. This is in no way acceptable. Dean should be a poster named bushh8t0r63 on DU, not a man in charge of anything. It’s past time the Republican leadership shine some light on the cockroaches that hold leadership with the Democrats.
I really starting to get “call my congressman” angry with all this Katrina aftermath behavior.
At least your congressman isn’t Orrin Hatch. I HATE that guy! Even having met that jerk in person, I HATE that guy!
“What would a KosKid maggot look like if it matured into a fly?”
You know, I’ve wondered how to classify Dean, and that really takes the cake!
Call! Call! Call and write! And then protest infront of congress! Frank, you lead the revolution!
Go to the site and look up the speech.
Notice the Inc. on the end of the organization he spoke to.
Because in America, home of the free and the capitalist system, there’s profit in them thar racism, race-baiting, religious exploitation, and ignorant blind ranting.
Steady there, Frank. Be patient.
If Rove the Omniscient, Master of Subleties, wanted little Howie out of the DNC then don’t you think he would have taken care of it by now?
There are benefits to having your opponents led by a rabid moonbat. And don’t forget, Dean loathes the Clintons. That should count for something, I think.
But does it favor Dean, or the Clintons?
I always knew that Broussard, Naglin and Blanco were racists! Before Dean, I just thought they were incompetant
Of Dean’s speech I’ve only read the linked article at the top and haven’t read the full transcript of his talk, but what exactly upsets you all so much about the statement that “We must … come to terms with the ugly truth that skin color, age and economics played a deadly role in who survived and who did not.” Is that up for debate?
I agree with this quote. I mean, I’m not talking rabid, malicious racism, but I’m talking institutional inequality that neglects the elderly, the poor, and black people. These demographics of people generally don’t have the political, economic, and social representation that wealthy, young and/or white people have. That is a fact. So, if blacks, the elderly and the poor, like most whites and certainly the wealthy, had political representation, economic power (money, connections, lobbyists) and a place in the center of the stage of social and political discourse, would they not have been taken care of?
By ‘taken care of’ I mean not just evacuation, but also public attention to the ecological, socio-political and infrastructural problems that enabled this to happen. Like I said, I don’t think this is the product of malice or intentional neglect; I just think it’s the product of nation that has never properly dealt with its legacy of white supremacy and class inequality, not to mention its disenfranchisment of the elderly, and as these things have historically shaped our governmental and social institutions these demographics have been pushed to the margins of general public concern. And the majority of the victims of Katrina, as such, were not taken care of in the years, months, days, hours leading up to the storm and, likewise, they were not taken care of immediately after.
I’m not posting this to make anyone angry, but I just don’t completely understand your position here and I would genuinely like to. I’ll go ahead and thank anyone who might give me a legitimate response. And to those who will just tell me they think I’m stupid, crazy or whatever, no need to bother, your position is clear.
It’s okay, we’re not mad at you. I believe your concerns are sincere.
Disenfrinchisment of the elderly? Equal outcome for everyone no matter their effort? (Or their honesty in the case of the non-food stealing looters) sounds a lot like the failed socialist systems we’ve seen in the past.
We know you mean well, really and I’m sincere, but why do you think you live in such a great country (and I certainly hope you think that way)? Does rugged individualism mean anything anymore?
What I disagree with most is the propensity for some Americans to want to toss away the thing that made us a great country to begin with. Personal responsibility.
And no, we don’t want to put our old folks onto ice floes to be carried out to sea.
The main thing that is wrong here, is the mistaken idea that the government should have played any part whatsoever in the evacuation, except someone getting up with a bullhorn and yelling “GET OUT NOW”. Which the mayor did, later than he should have. Everyone knew for three days that the storm was big, and was bearing down on New Orleans.
After that, it’s up to each individual to secure their own way out.
Ideally, elderly folks are cared for by their loved ones. They made sure of that by raising their kids right. (Hint: Responsible children don’t let their elderly parents live in New Orleans, thus these aren’t the type of kids or elderly people we’re talking about now, are they…)
Elderly folks that don’t have kids due to unforseen circumstances (but who did raise those dead kids right) deserve help of the community, which should take the form of their Church taking responsibility for them, which should take the form of a family in the Church adopting them.
If they didn’t raise their kids properly, and they don’t have a church family, then I hope someone takes pity on them, because they have thrown away their opportunities to be saved in a time of crisis.
Poor people who can’t get out of town should long ago have thought twice about living in the lowest areas of a flood basin between two or three large and high bodies of water. Sorry, I don’t care what color your skin is, you’re American, and that means you should be smarter than that. Use your legs, use any method you can, and get out. There is no reason except complacency for someone in this country to be poor (poor to the point of not being able to relocate if they really needed to.)
I saw the people whining on camera, and I said, “these people have a terminal case of entitlement.”
They will die because they haven’t looked after their own interest. They haven’t planned for something that was both an obvious risk and an inevitable event.
How far could a poor but physically fit person get, walking 4mph for 10 hours, in 3 days?
Yeah, I thought so.