In All Seriousness…

Here should be our priorities right now:
1. Help the victims of hurricane Katrina.
2. Punch a liberal.
3. Find out where the response to the hurricane failed so as to be better prepared in the future.
4. Punch another liberal.
Let’s keep our heads on straight, people.


  1. My only thing is, mind you I only have local Louisiana coverage to get my news from, but I don’t see where the relief effort failed. All the tell tale signs of a failed rescue and relief effort are missing: No one left on rooftops, no one left in the Superdome, and of course, the primary indicator: no heaps o’ dead so huge all we can do is pile them up and burn them or bury them in mass graves. Third world countries get those all the time. Hell, the U.N. has been present for more of those kinds of failed relief efforts this year alone than the U.S. ever has.

  2. Shoot, I kinda didn’t follow the right order. 1 was first, of course, but then I kept alternating between 2 and 4, because I don’t have enough information yet to do number 3 (I seem to be the only one without all the information, though…Do you know where the libs are finding this full discourse on what exactly happened out there?)

  3. So THAT’S where all the busses went to! Cindy Sheehan has them for her bus tour! Isn’t it interesting she’s a white woman in possession of a bus, yet she did nothing to help the people of New Orleans escape. IT’S ALL HER FAULT!!! RACIST!

  4. Is it possible to combine steps 1,2, and 4 for a fundraiser that involves punching liberals? Perhaps bidding on people to punch for us when we get tired or bruise our knuckles on their hard heads?

  5. I was thinking of going up to Brunswick Maine and possibly doing something to the liberals I heard are planning a protest at the Blue Angels air show this weekend. Cindy Sheehan may show up. Hmmm…could be interesting.

  6. Tsymyn,
    I think the failure is in the fact that many of those on rooftops, in the superdome and elsewhere in New Orleans waited days before a proper relief effort was mobilized. The same can be said for many other places throughout Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi. As for piles of dead bodies: we still don’t have an affirmative death toll; and should we really be comparing ourselves to so-called ‘third world’ countries? How about we compare ourselves to our national ideals.

  7. “National ideals”… hmmm…
    “national” isn’t quite the right word.
    As in “Uncle Sam wants YOU…. to take a little responsibility for your own environment”. As in if you’re going to dig a hole in the ocean and build a city there, it’s not the Federal Government’s responsibility to make sure the walls are high enough; it’s YOURS, via the people YOU elect to oversee your part of the country. Mayor Run-in-circles-screaming and Governor Do-nothing-unless-Democrats-are-in-the-White-House are ultimately to blame for the delayed relief efforts. Refusal to turn over relief operations to the Feds when asked, refusal to let some aid workers into the city (they went to Mississippi instead), and many other examples in the news illuminate the hopeless failure of the local elected officials to plan and respond appropriately.
    All those school buses calmly sitting in 6 feet of water would have made a dandy means of evacuating car-less and infirm citizens BEFORE the storm hit. Think of that nursing home where 30+ old folks died because there was no one to take them out.
    That’s what you get when you elect moonbats to run things. Popularity & party affiliation count for more than common sense in Lousiana elections it seems.
    Partisanship reeks from the Governor’s office on down, and it cost a lot of people their lives.

  8. Excellent set of priorities.
    But You might have started with FIRST, Punch a Liberal, and move everything else on the list down one item, accordingly.
    And put in the middle there, “Take Toady Chappaquiddic Waitress Sandwich Kennedy for a ride in an Oldsmobile along those New Orleans levees to assess the damage” – if you know what I mean.

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