Tomorrow, the month of October begins, and you will be deluged with requests to vote for pretty much every podcast under the sun on Podcast Alley. Podcast Alley’s site will crumble under the weight of traffic, just like two point seven million people on the Texas Gulf Coast jammed the freeways and highways and byways trying to get out of the way of Hurricane Rita.
This will not do. We must learn from their mistakes. (Not mine, of course. I didn’t make any mistakes. I stayed put, waited for contraflow lanes, and then saw that the path of Rita had changed. Nyah nyah!)
So go ahead and bookmark IMAO’s podcast details now and be prepared to vote for IMAO’s podcast. Because if you don’t, this cat will be angry with you:
Doesn’t he look angry? That is one angry cat. He is absolutely orange with anger.
See? I told you he’s angry. And there’s nothing that makes him angrier than when people don’t vote for the IMAO podcast bright and early at the first opportunity.
So don’t make the cat angry. Set your alarm clock for really early in the morning and vote for the podcast.
As for Jews who observe the Sabbath and cannot operate machinery or do work until sundown, what’s five minutes going to hurt? And don’t tell me you haven’t dreamed of haming a ham and cheese sandwich with bacon on it.
Wouldn’t we need to have a podcast in order to vote for it?
“dreamed of haming a ham and cheese sandwich” ??? Pretty humerous typo….
Yah Frank J. Where is our podcast?!?!?
So you’re bascially asking us to vote Ipod or not? What’s a little fraud now and then, right? Guess we could say this is how we would vote if we had an Ipod.
Here’s a deal:
I vote for the podcast as soon as I GET the podcast.
Amelia, you don’t need an iPod to enjoy IMAudio. Check out the various ways you can listen to IMAO at
I will vote, but I agree with the sentiment of “Where is my Podcast to vote on?”
Pomoze Bog.
I’ll vote for the ‘cast if Frank agrees to start writing weekend installments of Superego… 😉
Does it really matter when we vote so long as we vote in october?
what podcast? your websight says it is every week but you have no new podcasts since two weeks?
Bereshith 3:4,5
we’re working on the podcast!
between surgeries, traveling, having babies, hurricanes, change of producer, and having a cast member drop out at the last possible minute, we’ve had a few challenges with this one.
Can I vote for the cat? The cat rules!