if you’ve been reading or watching news coverage of the Hurricane Katrina Disaster, you know that the most important thing we need to do right now to resolve this massive human tragedy is to assign blame to somebody.
Since it’s hard to keep track of the players without a score card, I’ve come up with something even better: a Bingo Card!
I’ve been scouring the wires and web for twenty-five of the most common targets of blame, and here they are:
Just print out this card and mark off each target of blame when you see them.
Get five in a row, and you can stop reading the hyperbolic, virtiolic press coverage for the day.
Since the media is so keen on blaming President Bush for this one, I’ve made him the center square. He’s what you’d call a “Free Space” in Bingo Lingo.
Remember folks – just as the Red Cross springs into action when disaster strikes, the media leaps to conclusions. Cheer them on!
Wow, that was quick. It only took me about 30 seconds to fill in every square but “France”. Oh, wait… now it’s filled in too.
Does “whitey” fit under the Racism or Republican box?
Dammit, you forgot the guy who is to blame for the whole thing — Jeff Gannon. Because everything is tied to Jeff Gannon.
(I miss seeing things blamed on Jeff Gannon.)
And what about
You’ve got to blame Kahn.
I wouldn’t play unless I can blame Walmart, SUVs, and Big Tobacco, Oil, and the Jews.
Yeah some others are:
the fact people live there in the first place
dams and levees made it worse
everyone else who lives on the mississippi all the way north
let’s not forget Herbert Hoover, who saved NO back in ’27. It wouldn’t be around to be destroyed. (cool we can blame him for that AND the Great Depression)
that’s all I can think of. I figure we can get another row & column. Well that wouldn’t spell “bingo” then…maybe “BLINGO” ?
I blame gravity.
I was kinda thinking along the lines of these other posts where other things/people could be at fault, when why not just make up another bingo card with the rest of them on it? Just like regular bingo, there’s cards with duplicate numbers on them, but they’re all a little different. Gives it some variety!
my rant on it
I blame entropy.
Hmmmmm .. what not blame Murphy’s Law! Yeah that’s it! And Murphy was afterall .. an Irishman .. Yeah! blame the Irish .. like the real old good ol’ days before we had Jews. Er, wait a sec .. this would include me .. Oh well, Ok – I did it! Yeah! That’s right! I did it! and I had help too from another Irishman (of the other persuasion of course) Ronnie R.! He’s not dead – he’s Ascended! Yeah! We did it! So what are you gonna do about it? San Fran – feel the earth move! NYC – meet my pet mutant Iguana Godzilla – Madison WI – wanna experience -200 below! So all you liberals – stop whining, stop blaming .. and start running!
I’m with you Hondo. When do I get my 50 caliber machine gun with 100,000 rounds?
ahh RA – that’s overkill! These are liberals and cafe leftists .. a BB gun will suffice .. Oooooooooccchhhh, that hurt! As far as the violent denizens of the street, just put a 20 dollars in the street or a flatscreen TV and rig up a net. It will work, over, and over, and over again.
I blame Spacemonkey’s pants.
It was Halliburton which recently discovered oil under a Bourbon Street Brothel and Dynamited the levee to get the Oil, I’m sure glad there in my Mutual Fund protfolio.