Wasn’t That a Job For Aquaman?

Bringing you the news!Hello, Aquafans!
Some have been asking where have I been during the whole New Orleans crisis. With all the water and flooding, people seem to think that it just might have been a job for Aquaman.
Couple things here. First off, when the problem first hit, it was a hurricane. That involves not just water but also lots of wind, and I’m Aquaman – not Wind-and-Water Man. Hurricanes just aren’t my thing.
Second, I like swimming in water, so preventing flooding isn’t exactly to my interest. I’m not some construction expert; I can reinforce a levee.
Thirdly, the water in New Orleans got quite dirty, and it would just not be sanitary for me to swim in it.
Finally, as you may have noticed from my Aryan good looks, I, like the Bush administration, don’t particularly care for black people. In fact, my arch-nemesis is Black Manta. You see, I fight black people; I don’t save them.
Anyway, wasn’t this more of an ecological disaster? Maybe people should have called on Green Lantern.
Ha! I made a funny! I have to go tell my fish friends that one…


  1. Nagin is a bullshtting, incompetent punk [adjective: Slang: Of poor quality; inferior] whose only qualifications for the job is that he’s as corrupt as the rest of the local government.
    Blanco is a bullsh
    tting, incompetent punkess [adjective: Slang: Of poor quality; inferior] whose only qualifications for the job was the (D) next to her name on the ballot.
    I lived in the Gulfport/Biloxi area for four years from 2000-2004. I’m more then familiar with that whole area and New Orleans as well.
    New Orleans is a turd bowl reeking of sh*t, piss, vomit and decay. Oh… did I mention this was before the hurricane.
    The corruption of New Orleans local government and police force rivals the best (worst??) that Mexico has to offer (I lived on the Mexican border as well for 5 years).
    I am all for spending federal funds (our tax dollars) to help in the aftermath, whatever it takes. However, I don’t want one thin dime of my taxes going towards any rebuilding of that turd bowl city. Not one dime.
    Common sense says don’t build below sea level in hurricane prone areas. By the way, don’t forget to thank the French for New Orleans (and also thank them for the couple of tents and cots their donating now).
    I applaud House Speaker Dennis Hastert for having the gonads to say publicly what I and many others feel about rebuilding that turd bowl city.
    It would take many Billions of dollars, possibly 100’s of Billions to rebuild. It would surpass the Big Dig in Boston for the amount of corruption, scams, cost overruns, thievery and once again, incompetence.
    And after all that waste of money the following week could bring another Cat 4 or Cat 5 hurricane.
    I say NO!
    Give the Big Easy the Big “Final” Rest.

  2. You are so super cool Aquaqueer! You are my hero. I knew you really didn’t run away and that you were there all along and could have helped if you wanted to after all!
    Don’t tell me you weren’t in the neighborhood…The Southern Decadence Fesival was suppose to kick-off on August 31st (Before God SMOTE New Orleans) and I’m sure you had your favorite girly man outfit picked out for the first evenings shin dig!!! You are so cool, Aquabendoverman!!!

  3. poop head.
    yeah A. Patriot, it’s hard to believe there could be a more corrupt, scam laden and costly debacle paid for by public tax dollars than the Big Pig here is Boston. That is until I started hearing about the local govt. of NO…THEY would definitely out do Boston for hacks, cost overruns, and oops there’s a few million dollars that can’t be accounted for, gee I don’t know how that happened.
    We now have a more than 15 Billion dollar car wash running under Boston.
    I don’t want to see what could be in NO.

  4. Blanco to blames? No way, Girlfriend! Just ask her:
    The Blame Game
    Kathleen Blanco
    Come on everybody!
    I say now let’s play a game
    I betcha I can prove
    that someone else to blame;
    The governor from Baton Rouge,
    I treat her like she wasn’t there,
    But a Bush or a Rove
    or a black chopper will appear
    And then I say po add a lute t
    hen I say the name
    and Goddamma Crappa and a no
    And then I say the name again
    with an FL very plain
    and a fee ma and a no
    And then I say the name again
    with an R this time
    and there isn’t any meme
    that I can’t whine
    Bush, Bush pollute, Goddamma crappa no flush Fa FEMA no rush, Bush!

  5. who coffeeboy, how can you say that green lantern is anything but the most powerful of the DC heroes? I mean, if you have a weapon that can do anything you want, I think that qualifies as powerful.
    Killowog was able to make an FTL ship in one of the series using only his ring and memorized blueprints. So Green lantern is NOT useless.
    who coffeeboy, how can you say that green lantern is anything but the most powerful of the DC heroes? I mean, if you have a weapon that can do anything you want, I think that qualifies as powerful.
    Killowog was able to make an FTL ship in one of the series using only his ring and memorized blueprints. So Green lantern is NOT useless.
    <-nerd boy fandom
    I need to go get a life. sigh.

  6. //Ah, Green Lantern, the second most incompetant super-hero. //
    I’ve been under the impression that The Flash was the most incompetant superhero. See that’s why I come to IMAO…I LEARN good stuff here.

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