A special non Cannibal message.

I’d like to take a moment to complain about an insensitivity that is taking place in our society every waking moment.
If you’re like me, then you more than likely have very strong Anti-Cannibalistic beliefs. It’s an integral part of my Christian beliefs. The Bible tells us that Moses came down with the Ten Commandments and shared with his people – Thou Shall not Eat Thy Neighbor. This was a good thing because at the bottom of Mt. Sinai natives gathered to have Moses On a Stick.
These are our beliefs. Yet everyday I see stuff that offends me and hurts me more than I can say.
Barbie Dolls.
For those of you who live in caves, and I don’t mean to offend you if your religion demands that you do so, Barbie dolls are little dolls that are played with the world over. Sure, they have different variations such as
Ken: A Barbie doll with a penis.
Kelly. A Barbie Doll but smaller.
Bratz Dolls. Like Barbie — but with bad makeup and herpes blisters.
Is there no caring for my religious beliefs? ‘m sorry, but I DON’T EAT HUMANS!! Yet each day, I’m subject to seeing dolls and doll like figures everywhere I look and does ANYBODY CARE!!
No of course not.
That’s why I’m starting a new society. Ideological Society to Lessen Antagonizing Me, or as I call it — ISLAM.
Speaking of which, in England, we see that British Banks are no longer giving away piggy banks lest the idea of pigs with money offend the Muslim sensibility. This is a big victory for Muslims. Now they can work on obliterating the other pigs with money — Americans.
However, I feel that if my anti Cannibal beliefs are not respected — then it is truly a sad day for all of us.
Please support us as we, the non-cannibalistic (unless its at the SuperDome) Americans of America, struggle to right this wrong.
Thank You.


  1. Sorry RWD, but your attitude is really quite piggish! Just because you don’t eat humans doesn’t mean you should hog all the attention in the debate. Let a few others feed at that trough, will you? I mean it’s not as if anyone is pushing human-being-banks or something offensive like that, is it?
    Get your porcine snout out of my fine young cannibalistic business!

  2. So does that mean that as an American, I shouldn’t eat pork?
    Anyway, humans are not meant to be eaten. Neither are puppies. On the other hand, Cows, Chickens, and the Porcupine Caribou in ANWR that are keeping us from drilling for oil in Alaska are indeed meant to be eaten.

  3. I’m not supposed to eat pork? My children are going to be SO upset when I tell them we can’t eat Wilbur, our pet pig we had slaughtered, and packaged rather nicely, anymore. Wilbur tastes darn good!

  4. Announcing new Baldo’s Halloween Packet! Now, decorate your Bald like a pumpkin as you shine it up. With my wax. It leaves a blinding brilliance.
    Now with Phlogiston®!!
    Baldo’s Shiny Wax for Balds. Available at your friendly neighborhood drugstore.

  5. My sister and I both had Barbies, and I personally had the heads fall off of at least two Kens (seriously!). The Kens I had must have been eunuchs. I don’t remember any such…”part”…that Ducky made reference to.

  6. You cowards,
    Let me ask you all a question.
    how is it that you need to send in hundreds of thousands of troops in my land to terrorise my people,
    and all it takes for us to get your WHOLE country on lockdown is to just send in one man with a not so big bomb?
    hmmm,leads me to the conclusion that one of our men is better than a thousand of yours.
    c ya!

  7. Martyrdom –
    You’re a homo.
    I hope we kill way more asshats just like you (sorry Jesus!).
    Of course, I am obligated to pray for you, being a Christian, so I will.
    However, not being a GREAT Christian, leads me to still wish for your demise, and the demise of others like you.
    BTW, you don’t want to “C me”.
    Unless you have a .45 or .30 deficiency.

  8. I have bad news for you.
    Remember that little ritual us Christians do? “This is my body, given for you. This is my blood, shed for you?” What do you do with it?
    Ritual cannibals of the world, unite!

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