It has become quite certain that the Harriet Miers nomination is becoming a huge bane for the Bush presidency. His chances of reelection are now almost nil. But, at the same time, he can’t just withdraw the nomination or he’d look weak. So what can he do?
Well, I’ve thought of one solution…
Kill Miers and make it look like an accident.
It’s a perfect plan. Then he can nominate a more traditional conservative for the bench – one who carries around a club for smashing things he doesn’t understand – while all the time lamenting how great Miers would have been for the job. And the public, now feeling bad that Miers got blowed up in a freak auto accident, will start agreeing the Miers was probably a good pick and they were all just being unfair.
Brilliant. I can’t find a single thing wrong with this plan.
I have it on pretty good authority that Miers has an adamantium endoskeleton like Wolverine. I’m not sure a simple car crash/ huge explosion is going to be enough to do the job.
I thought only Karl Rove and the Jews had super powers.
$40,000. Half now, half after.
Long term problem ~ Wouldn’t Homeland Security have to investigate the bombing? With our luck they’d solve this one.
Sometimes I think we have one foot nailed to the floor while we hop aroound trying to shoot the other one.
Presidents killing off liabilities hardly an original idea, Frank. According to the conspiracy folks, this is exactly what happened to Ron Brown and Vince Foster. Etc.
If it turned out the killer was the very same person nominated after the death of Miers, then the killer, who would probably be a “pro life” judge sure to vote to overrule Roe v. Wade, could placate liberals by saying he/she was performing a retroactive abortion on the obviously unwanted Miers.
Many on the left would be forced to vote for confirmation.
Get drunk and drive her off a bridge. What would the left have to say about that?
Damn the hard right is turning coat on Bush big time. I guess they are going to cry and take their balls home ’cause they aren’t getting their way with this one. I guess they miss the good ole days with Clinton when they got screwed every day. Never mind the fact that Bush has brought the judiciary to the right since he has been in office, remained loyal to his nominees, has not broken down in the face of unprecidented filibusters to his court nominees and has used recess apointments to get nominees through in spite of Democratic opposition.
Oh and by the way, Frank J., besides the obvious fact that killing might be a little bit on the illegal side…George Bush isn’t up for reelection. There is that pesky 22nd Amendment to worry about. If I’m not mistaken, it is what you unflexable hard righters are complaining Ms. Miers has a lack of…Constitutional knowledge.
Use trained Ninja Monkeys. No one could figure that one out.
Just don’t leave any evidence (like RNC membership cards) on them, in case they get caught.
Ummm Frank… His chances of re-election are nil. I think the Constitution thing says so.
Yeah, Frank J. Like DJ No Spins says, you can’t kill people . . . and stuff.
I think DJ No Spins A Lot and Scot kind of forgot this was a humour site…
Repeat after me, boys: D’oh!
Methinks it has been too long since the last “Frank Reads the Bible”….
There is a clean way to do this.
Start putting out the story that Miers is just padding her resume so she can run for the democrat presidential nomination in ’08. Since we know what becomes of the enemies of Billary, we can rest assured that Ms. Miers’ days would be numbered. Clean hands, clean slate.
Ms. Miers could withdraw herself (as some conservatives have asked her to).
Once that is done, President Bush could put in Janice Rogers Brown.
But I had a better idea, the other week:
Bring back Bork!!
I still think Ann Coulter would have been more fun to nominate (and to watch!)
Don’t mess with Harriet. Unlike me she packs some serious heat!
We’re talking about the Supreme Court; when did the Constitution ever have anything to do with that?
You really shouldn’t be worried about a lack of Constitutional knowledge. Here’s the knowledge YOU should be worried about lacking:
“one who carries around a club for smashing things he doesn’t understand”
Would that be a feral judge?
It seems there are some activists pushing for a qualified “state or feral judge” to Jane Galt. I’m in favor of this plan myself, it would make the hearings much cooler.
A refinement of Jeff the Baptist’s suggestion:
Have Ted Kennedy drive her home at the end of each day of hearings. Include free lunches at Hooters.
Your choice to replace Miers wouldn’t drive around DC in a late model, low mileage Buick now would he??