How do you know that the IMAO Podcast is the bestest podcast ever?
Because I’ve told you so and you’ve never listened to any other podcast and you never will because to do so is treason against IMAO – the worst kind of treason!
We need to see some serious commitment to the podcast by IMAO before we commit. The podcast forum is dead and there is no real schedule as to when the next podcast will appear.
Either podcast or don’t podcast. This half-ass stuff ain’t going to get it…
SarahK you are right and I can’t argue with your point at all.
It’s still not unreasonable to expect a podcast to be produced on time and in a regular manner if you are going to promote it and ask people to vote for it.
I love the IMAO podcast! Guess who won the last free podcast t-shirt? If you guessed me, you are right!
I didn’t mean to offend you SarahK, I’m just being honest here. You aren’t going to attract a loyal following for your podcast if you don’t bother making it a regular thing (lots of things are free on the web, even podcasts, that’s not a selling point).
We’re working on it. Expect things to be rocky until January as wedding prep is going to keep getting in the way plus we’re working on getting the first IMW compilation out.
There is a lot going on behind the scenes, though.
Frank I know you are working on it. I didn’t mean to imply otherwise.
I don’t understand why SarahK chose me to pick on when enfield was a whole lot more antagonistic.
If I were an OJ fan, I think I could probably go to his blog and post a comment like, “Hey OJ stop killing people!”.
I think he would take that in the way I intended it and he wouldn’t attack me because he wouldn’t want to turn his fans away.
I think SarahK should be more like OJ.
Did you hear that Scott? Are you trying to incite rioting at IMAO by having us go to those other podcasts and commit treason?
What podcast? I don’t see any podcasts around here. Seriously what happened to the weekly schedule?
Frank, pimping the podcast on your own blog DOES NOT COUNT.
Some people.
We need to see some serious commitment to the podcast by IMAO before we commit. The podcast forum is dead and there is no real schedule as to when the next podcast will appear.
Either podcast or don’t podcast. This half-ass stuff ain’t going to get it…
I keep saying it, Frank: A lot more people would listen if you had a prophet on the show.
I don’t have any problem with this half-ass stuff. After all, it’s not like we’re paying for it.
JMK, i missed it when you sent in your payment for the right-on-time podcast. which paypal account did you send it to?
Uh oh. Treason, eh? Uh, it was only a short excursion into a Playboy podcast, I swear.
SarahK you are right and I can’t argue with your point at all.
It’s still not unreasonable to expect a podcast to be produced on time and in a regular manner if you are going to promote it and ask people to vote for it.
I love the IMAO podcast! Guess who won the last free podcast t-shirt? If you guessed me, you are right!
I didn’t mean to offend you SarahK, I’m just being honest here. You aren’t going to attract a loyal following for your podcast if you don’t bother making it a regular thing (lots of things are free on the web, even podcasts, that’s not a selling point).
We’re working on it. Expect things to be rocky until January as wedding prep is going to keep getting in the way plus we’re working on getting the first IMW compilation out.
There is a lot going on behind the scenes, though.
Frank I know you are working on it. I didn’t mean to imply otherwise.
I don’t understand why SarahK chose me to pick on when enfield was a whole lot more antagonistic.
If I were an OJ fan, I think I could probably go to his blog and post a comment like, “Hey OJ stop killing people!”.
I think he would take that in the way I intended it and he wouldn’t attack me because he wouldn’t want to turn his fans away.
I think SarahK should be more like OJ.