How Do These People Even Have the Intelligence to Use a Computer?

Someone needs to teach people at DU what a “metaphor” is.
Or maybe we should just nuke them. ::snicker::
The funniest thing is how these people keep lamenting about how much smarter they are than everyone else.

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  1. Nuking is overrated. Supersoakers filled with hot sopy water would be just as effective, and much easier to obtain.
    Then you just claim that you have memos from TANG in 1974 that prove Rove was conspiring to get Bush into Vietnam and that everyone needs to meet you in DC to march on the whitehouse. The erronious date will lend an irresistable air of credability.

  2. Well, if you do decide to nuke em, can you post the date and time in a secret talking points memo so we can shut down our electronic devices?
    Then I’ll feel like I’m getting something special for my membership dues in the VRWC.

  3. What you’re forgetting is that Rush’s joke is just not funny. It’s lame humor. It is not funny to call on the death of a group of people, even if it’s supposedly done in jest. Typical right-wing humor. Oh, who am I kidding trying to argue that point? This site sells “NUKE THE MOON” t-shirts…

  4. “The evidence that we have to just nuke these people sky high and to obliterate them is overwhelming.”
    Nuke them with truth? Aww, that’s cute. So I assume, then, that it’s fair game for me to say I think Rush should suffer a clogged artery of correction? Or an earful of the silence of reason? Hey, now I see what you mean. That IS funny!

  5. My gawd are theses people DENSE, as beautifully represented by the resident troll Ian.
    Uh, moron, as Frank tried to explain to you, Rush was talking about nuking the left’s ARGUMENTS.
    Now, go back & read it again. Then read it again. Eventually something might seep through your cement head & enter whatever passes for a brain in you people. It’s really not very complicated.
    You people really are TOO STUPID TO BE FOR REAL.
    ::shaking head in disbelief::
    Frank J., nice try w/the brain surgeon, but your response to him made to much sense. You’ll never get through to them that way. It just registers as DOES NOT COMPUTE, DOES NOT COMPUTE…

  6. I wonder how many of these same moonbats came out in support of Israel when Iran suggested wiping the country off the map…oh, wait…that was probably just a figure of speech.
    Sorry. I know this is supposed to be a humor blog, but I’ve had a bad day, and moonbats just tick me off.

  7. He meant nuke them with facts, i.e., he had logic on his side so much that to use it against his opponents would be akin to nuking them. I don’t see how it can be read any other way.
    But Frank, completely flunking Reading Comprehension 001 is a requirement to be a raving moonbat like Ian. They won’t let you in otherwise.

  8. I know it’s a metaphor, and so do at least most of the DU posters. I’m just saying that it’s a poorly chosen metaphor. Even Rush is talented enough to have come up with a better one. Because if the GOP/right is going to tell us to “watch what we say,” and interpret everything as a threat of some kind, then they should equally apply that to Rush.
    Saying my metaphors are stupid is missing the point. They ARE stupid. On purpose! Because Rush’s was too, don’t you see? You guys actually seem to agree with me on that principle. I’m disappointed.

  9. In his 1991 novel Generation X, Douglas Coupland shared the neologism “metaphaisa: an inability to percieve metaphor.” I think the AMA is considering listing it as a symptom of late-stage liberalism.

  10. Later threads on DU consist of calling Rush a druggie loser and saying that he has a small penis.
    People, we are screwed if this awe-inspiring display of intellect continues. I suggest we default the next three elections and go into a “rebuilding” phase.

  11. What?!! You mean Rush doesn’t have a tactical nuke at his disposal?!!
    Dammit. The idea that he did was the only thing that made him interesting to listen to. That, and he’s smarter than…well…every liberal in existence. Granted, most of us are.

  12. What I find strange (I would find it “passing strange” if I were George Will) is that “their” blogs always sound so much like “ours”. You know the whole “they’re so stupid it hurts”; “they’re so corrupt it hurts”; “they don’t know they’re being lied to” etc. How can so many people with perfectly opposite beliefs be so similar in their criticisms of each other? It is a bit like reality versus a mirror image of reality. We are right and they are the exact opposite of right. But of course they don’t see it that way.
    By the way, they seem far more prone to descend to the “druggie…penis size…fat head” level of argument than we are. That says much in itself.

  13. Thomas: If Rush had used “..Blow them out of the water…” instead, Would Ian have a problem with that?
    Yeah, that’s pretty unfortunate too, especially since I happen to be a south Louisianian.
    Someone with maximum exposure like Rush Limbaugh knows fully well of the loaded potential of his words (which he says “mean things”), and he’s not choosing his words by accident. The resulting fracas about his use of “nuke” is exactly what he wanted from both sides.
    I’m not the language police; I’ve said some unfortunate things in my time as well. I just wish Rush would show more class in his rhetoric. Or at least use provocative language that wasn’t a veiled threat against a group of Americans. As humor, it fails. As a threat, it’s alarming.

  14. Ian,
    “south Louisianian.” You’re a hoot! Now I can’t use my famous coonass metaphor!
    Please provide us with an example of a socially sensitive yet quick witted metaphor.
    “Slap em silly” – Sorry, didn’t know you were an abused child.
    “Bulldoze their ideas” – Nope, lost the winter home in Gaza to one of those.
    If you’re wishing for a nicer version of Rush, spit in one hand…

  15. “I know it’s a metaphor, and so do at least most of the DU posters.”
    No, sir, you and the DU posters referred to it as a “joke” and a “death threat.” It took 15 people yelling at you for you to realize it was a metaphor.

  16. I stumbled across IMAO a couple of days ago searching for coherent, funny and engaging people. It seems I have found them at last. DU on the other hand proves that stupidity still does not hurt and idiots are far from being endangered. From the home of the B-52 I wish them all “peace the old fashion way”, with a “big stick!”
    Let them “chew” on that if they can– Ooops was that ANOTHER metaphor!?!

  17. Oh and Ian McChimpany or what ever your name is–
    What does being a south Louisianan have to do with metaphors!?! I live in North Louisiana but that hardly has anything to do with the nothing you seem to posses as wits. Just in case you missed it the first time McOutolunchits; B.U.F.F. is the pet name for the B-52 Stratofortress, and “Peace the Old Fashion Way” refers to maintaining peace through kicking the other guys butt, while the “big stick” (or Teddy in a can) is the real “nuke” you and all of us should fear, mostly the defunct Soviet Union but petty, silly minded peoples like liberals and our pal Ian McSomthingorother as well. Sorry folks I guess it’s all that corn bread he’s been eating–

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