My ignorance of Stephen Hawking…

I must apologize for my post yesterday about scientist Stephen Hawking on a tour of the west coast. I wrote that paying money to hear Stephen Hawking onstage wouldn’t be worth the up to 125 bucks people would be paying for those tickets which generated some negative posts from the female readers of IMAO and I apologize.
Because I had no idea Hawking had spent four years with The B-52’s! Yeah, in the late 1990s when their blond girl singer left the band to have a baby Stephen Hawking joined as a backup vocalist. He went under the stage name of “The Professor”:
It wasn't a rock; it was a rock lobster!
Hey, he’s checkin’ out Kate Pierson… looks like The Prof has a thing for redheads. Right on, Prof!
UPDATE: Several astute IMAO readers have e-mailed with more photographic evidence of The Prof’s mad stage skillz.

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  1. Hmm, I’m thinking of some slightly altered lyrics here:
    “Is that you Haw-King?
    [it’s me, Haw-King]
    Is that you Haw-King?
    [In a UFO]
    Is that you Haw-King?
    [it’s me, Haw-King]
    The interdimensional outer space professor in his wheelchair talky thing.”

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