New Jersey Slogan

AP reports that New Jersey is looking for a new slogan.
Oh, and the deadline is today.
Hurry up! Suggest something!
(My suggestion: “Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200.”)

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  1. New Jersey: Your New York City Trip Bathroom Break
    New Jersey: What Exit?

    New Jersey: Industrial Chemical Processing Capital

    New Jersey: C’mon, You Know We’re Corrupt

    New Jersey: You’ll Never Think Once About it

    New Jersey: Your Philadelphia and New York City Suburb

    New Jersey: Ya, We’ll Pump Your Gas

  2. Having just left the “Garden State” after 37 years, I think I might try my hand at this:
    New Jersey: Yeah, it always smells like this.
    New Jersey: Several of our politicians are not corrupt.
    New Jersey: 3 out of 4 street corners agree (gas, booze, and banks).
    New Jersey: three rights are the same as a left (that’s for those out-of-state drivers who don’t grok jug-handles).

  3. You guys are too negative. I grew up in Jersey. It’s nice. How about “If we suck so badly, why does everyone from Philly and NYC move here as soon as they make some money?” or maybe “Jersey. It’s NOT the butthole of the country, but you can see it from here.”

  4. I lived in Jersey for nine years, and have no plans of ever making a return visit.
    “New Jersey: Abandon hope, all ye who enter here.”
    “Now Entering New Jersey – Consider That Your Last Warning”
    “New Jersey: No, you suck.”
    “New Jersey: Please do not make any sudden arm movements.”
    “New Jeresey: Now with more hobos.”

  5. New Jersey English is our fifth language
    New Jersey Be a millionaire and still live like a pauper
    New Jersey, Welcome to Mecca West
    New Jersey The place to raise a glowing family
    New Jersey Still better than West Virginia
    New Jersey Even if you have three nipples, you’ll feel normal here.

  6. New Jersey: Please don’t associate us with Philly.
    New Jersey: Hey You stupid New York %&*# get outta the left freakin lane.
    New Jersey: Bad voters, good pasta.
    New Jersey: Where it’s OK to drive 80 on the Parkway as long as your not a minority.
    New Jersey: So are governer was a Gay idiot, but at least we don’t have Hillary Clinton in power.
    New Jersey: Giving Gas-Pumping foreigners the chance to do something other then blowing people up.
    New Jersey: Where people live who don’t want to pay $1.5 million for a 350 square foot apartment, roaches included.
    New Jersey: Only the strong survive.

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