
Much to my shock, there will be a BlogJam about Internet Governance and some other technologically complex stuff at Pajamas Media today. Apparently, the Internet is too powerful and complex to leave in the hands of the Global Zionist Conspiracy or Haliburton or whomever runs it these days.
Someone’s running it, right? It’s not just running wildly out of control like Bobcat Goldthwait on the Tonight Show, right?
Oh, and one of the participants is named Laurence Simon. (No relation)
Let’s see if he pulls a Frank J. and forgets to plug IMAO or the podcast.
PS: “Spacemonkey Runs The Internet” is, in fact, a Lost Episode of the IMAO Podcast that was recorded in the 50’s, lost in the archives, and then rediscovered when Spacemonkey cleaned out his trunk.
That, and the box of Twinkies found with it, were both in the process of being digitally remastered and recorded. However, Harvey insisted on playing Tetris and the episode was lost once again.
Trust me. It was really, really funny.


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