A Victory Today For The Unborn! GLOAT!!!!

Here’s my Alito gloating.
No.. scratch that. it doesn’t quite fit the sentiment I feel. Make that…

There, that’s more like it.
And thanks to Cadet Happy for putting my idea into imagery, as well as improving on it as usual.


  1. Well, we’ll see how he’ll rule on it if and I say big IF it comes up to the Supreme Coart, and I hope it does soon. I’m almost selfishly looking forward to all the liberal media caterwauling, just for fun.

  2. I’m as happy as you for Alito’s confirmation, but by my count, it’s still too early to inscribe Roe v. Wade‘s tombstone.
    We know that Thomas and Scalia would overturn Roe. Assuming Roberts and Alito would join them, who is your fifth vote? Souter, Kennedy, Ginsberg, Blackmun, or Breyer?

  3. Roe is not dead yet. We need atleast one more vote. However, Kennedy has shown some respect for restricting abortion/ partial birth abortion/ parental notification/ spousal notification.
    Once Americans see these very reasonable restrictions applied, Roe’s days will be numbered unless McCain or a Democrat wins in 2008.

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