Apology, Shnapology

Now I don’t know if it was a specifically a crook or a liar that posted this on Crooks and Liars, and in the broader scheme of things it really doesn’t matter, but apparently Chris Matthews, long time leftist mouthpiece, has gone and compared everyone’s favorite 9/11 movie mastermind, Michael Moore, to everyone’s favorite 9/11 live action mastermind, Osama Bin Laden.

There’s video and a partial transcript.

Matthews: I mean he sounds like an over the top Michael Moore here, if not a Michael Moore. You think that sells…

OBL’s comment that Matthews was comparing to MM, and this is from the BBC’s transcript of the tape, was this:

There is no defect in this solution other than preventing the flow of hundreds of billions to the influential people and war merchants in America, who supported Bush’s election campaign with billions of dollars.

Preposterous! I can’t imagine words like this coming from MM’s lips. Sounds more like something Dean would say and MM would repeat.
Mr. Crook or Mr. Liar, (he posts anonymously, coward) waxes hypothetical about the repercussions if the comparison was different.

If he compared a conservative figure to Osama what do you think would happen?

Umm… you’d be parroting it, selling T-shirts with a direct quote and getting a Chris Matthews tattoo? That’s my guess. I can ponder too. What if he compared a sitting American President to a dead WW2-era, narrow mustached, German dictator? What would happen, then? Boy, I wonder. I’m just glad we don’t live in a world where idiotic unfair comparisons like that could ever happen.

Chris Matthews owes Michael Moore an apology and fast.

Or what? Mikey will eat him? Why get all defensive about MM anyway? The slam was clearly intended to be against Dialysis boy, not  Dying-for-a-twnkie boy. Osama is the one who’s being smeared here.

If anything, I think OBL deserves an apology too.  At least Osama has offered another truce, that’s more than I can say for Mikey.


  1. I know what would happen if many more than one were compared to terrorists.
    Ohio U.S. Senate candidate Paul Hackett (D) – “The Republican Party has been hijacked by the religious fanatics that, in my opinion, aren’t a whole lot different than Osama bin Laden and a lot of the other religious nuts around the world.”
    And then again Ohio U.S. Senate candidate Paul Hackett (D) – “I said it. I meant it. I stand behind it.”
    And what would happen is I would email these links to every single Christian I know, including (no, especially) those who are Democrats with a “bwa-ha-ha!”
    Then I’d take a nap. 🙂

  2. Matthews definitely owes Osama an apology. He’d have to live in a cave, unbathed and unshaven while living on Ho-Ho’s, for at least another two years to become worth comparing to Michael Moore.

  3. my favorite was this last
    sunday where he was trying to
    create the idea that
    hillary is margaret thatcher
    thankfully no one else on the panel
    picked it up
    can’t wait to see who does though.
    kalifornia kevin

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