As Much as I Want to Hear a Long-Winded Speech…

I got to help win back the hood in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, so I’m going to pass on the SOTU. Anyway, I’m always more interested in the analysis afterwards. Hey, I admit it: I don’t know what to think until others tell me.
But, if something interesting happens, like Bush and Alito telling the filibustering Democrats to “suck it,” Bush declaring himself emperor and disolving the Senate, or Chuck Norris coming in and roundhouse kicking all the Dems in the face, then tell me in the comments.


  1. In his movies, Chuck Norris represented the revival of American’s pride under Ronald Reagan, kicking Vietnamese ass in MIA and Arab ass in Delta Force.
    It is thus only proper for him to come and aid George Bush against the Dems.

  2. I hope Chuck Norris isn’t reading this. Oh the carnage.
    Gotta pass this along though. A friend managed a motel in Cody Wyoming and Chuck Norris was a semi-regular guest during hunting season, and my friend says he’s one of the most down-to-earth likeable people he’s ever met. A facade, of course, as his method of hunting consists of walking up to an elk and staring at it until it topples over dead. He always fills his tag. And his skills improve, because now they crawl up into the bed of his pickup before dying. He’s working on having them gut themselves. Maybe next fall.
    How many Chuck Norrises does it take to change a lightbulb?

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