So, now there’s another new audiotape from Osama bin Laden, and that just shows how backwards these Islamists are in that they still haven’t moved onto CDs. Why can’t he publish his threats on iTunes?
So does he have enough material for a greatest hits album now?
Osama bin Laden’s Greatest Hits
1. “Die, infidels.”
2. “Blame it on the jooos.”
3. “Another attack is coming soon.”
4. “Instead of just 72 virgins, can I have a few sluts, too?”
5. “I really am still alive.”
6. “The Dialysis Song”
7. “Another attack is coming soon… this time for real.”
8. “I’ll kill you all after I get this gum out of my beard.”
9. “No, we’re not losing membership, but who wants to buy some used AK-47s?”
10. “Die, infidels.” the Fat Boy Slim remix
11. “Why does bacon have to smell so good?”
Heh. Why does Bacon Have to Smell So Good? Classic. Umm, I suppose in true IMAO reply fashion: First?!?!?
Don’t forget his Gershwin-inspired hit “You Say bin Laden, I Say Beheading”.
“This vest was made for ‘splodin'”
and “Why does it hurt when I pee?”
“Onnce, twice, three times a Jihadi”
The only track missing is bin Laden’s duet with Harry Belafonte:
Day-o! Day-ay-ay-oooo!
Daylight come and de bomb go ‘splode.
“Donkey Love Machine” sung by Infidel Barry White with a lot of the “Thuak-A-Duak-A” music accompaniment in the background for the “love scenes”…
“10. “Die, infidels.” the Fat Boy Slim remix””
‘Every body check it out now… Blow up them up Kafirs. Right about now… Blow up them Kafirs.’
Out of my head and into yours. bows