Justice Alito… Say It, Biatch!

58 to 42!

Hey, wingnuts, what’s that I see fleeing? Oh! It’s Roe v. Wade? Bye, Roe v. Wade!
Now your daughters won’t be able to get abortions… daughters who should have been aborted in the first place if it weren’t for Alito to stop you!
So, crazy KosKids, how’s it feel to be completely impotent? I mean, you got 25 Senators scared into voting for a filibuster, but that just shows how weak the current Dems are now to actually be influenced by you nutters. Really; all that effort for nothing… just like 2004.
And 2002.
And 2000.
Well, that’s it. Alito will now rule away all your rights and round you into camps. Thanks for playing the game.

(thanks to cadet happy for making the images)


  1. as happy as I am, there are still 5 votes on SCOTUS who will uphold the constitutionalization of abortion:
    Kennedy co-authored Planned Parenthood v. Casey. He, along with the liberals Stevens, Souter, Ginsburg and Breyer, will ensure that abortion remains a “constitutional right.”
    We need one more, W. Don’t let us down!

  2. Even if Roe v. Wade was struck down, it’d become a state issue, which is what I feel it should be. I don’t think abortion will ever be totally and completely illegal in the entire country.
    That being said, I am happy to see Alito added to the court, as hopefully we’ll have more decisions based on what is actually IN the constitution instead of what justices “feel” or what other countries have legislated.

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