(A Precision Guided Humor Assignment)
While recoiling in horror at such anti-American/pro-terrorist Hollywood offerings as Syriana – a movie about evil US oil companies causing innocent Muslims to become terrorists – and Munich – a movie about innocent terrorists victimized by bloodthirsty Israelis, I found out that Michael Moore has been tapped to do another re-make of King Kong.
Movie poster in the extended entry…
I give him credit for being a little more subtle than he was with Fahrenheit 9/11.
I understand the working title is either “AmeriKKKan KKKong” “King ChimpeachMcHitlerHalliburtonBlood4OilFascistTortureI’mtheRealTerrorist”
Thank you IMAO for blowing out my computer today. Bravo!
I must say, this has been a prolific posting day by the good folks at IMAO. Thank you. Now do another one.
oh goodie. another movie made by moonbats. i’m sure an Academy Award will be in order for Michael Moron’s great writing.