Sherlock at BakerStreet has Karn Evil #9 errr Carnival of Comedy # 42 posted. You should go read it.
He has the answer to life, the universe, etc. as well as links to the best comedy that was submitted this week.
And he’s keeping the potty talk in the potty where it belongs not in the Carnival. Yay! Now go read.
All it says is “42”. That’s a short Karn Evil.
Huh? I see a whole carnival post worth of comedy linky goodness.
I do not have a F$%#&^! potty mouth! Whoever started that rumor is a &%% and a *%$#_#@ lying %$+(&%. I ought to kick their @$$.
Cool. A HGTTG reference. Everytime I say “42”, people look at me funny.
Slapout, Don’t say it too often or people will figure out, I mean, suspect that you are nuts.