Iran has threatened us with “harm and pain”. What other threats have they made against us?
10. From now on always refer to us as the “United States of Dinguses.”
9. They’ll compare us to monkeys and curse our mustaches.
8. Secretly replace our regular coffee with Folgers Crystals… and we’ll never know the better!
7. Along with financing terrorists they’ll also finance George Lucas to further butcher the original Star Wars trilogy.
6. Hit us each with a water balloon when we least expect it.
5. Something about a nuclear explosion.
4. They’ll order us pizzas we never wanted.
3. After making an excursion to Skull Island, they’ll release King Kong upon New York… or maybe Seattle since he’s never been there.
2. They claim it will take days to get all the toilet paper out of our trees when they’re done with us.
And the number one threat from Iran…
They’ll manage our ports.
They can manage the ports, fine, but keep George Lucas AWAY! He’ll only get to mutilate the first 3 movies over my dead body!
“Dinguses”?! Them’s fightin’ words!!
How’s this for harm and pain?
Iran, 2007 – the middle east’s largest art installation: a 630,000 square mile, softly glowing, radioactive glass sculpture.
Hey, if they want to send us all their water, I know a few western states who could sure use it.
Careful Infidel! These guys fought ole’ Sadaam to a stalemate for 6 years…and we took Sadaam out in…3 weeks…Nevermind…
Well, the camel cavalry does take a little longer than you’d expect to engage & sort out the results.
Not NASCAR, fer shure.
Saddam got bicycles & a few SUV’s later on. Iran won’t let us know if they had ’em.
The art exhibit idea looks interesting.
Why must lists always consist of a set of items of a number divisible by five?
This may be a little off topic . . . but should we make a videotape of cutting off Osama’s niece’s head? She’s threatening to make a reality T.V. show of her quest for stardom. Isn’t that pain?
They’ll start (opps they’re already doing it) sending really nasty explosive devices to iraq to kill our soldiers…copper sheilded explosive backed mine like, apparantly using proximity sensed detonator, sends a molten wad of copper capable of defeating our best armor, so yes they are just a little bit more than rectoric. Pass that little diddie along. I’m still all for sending a couple of squadrons of A-10’s on the border of irag/iran and if it moves across the border kill it! But of course to keep all the liberal happy, drop leaflets 50 miles on either side telling the numb-nutz what will happen if they proceed!