Asky Editor Ducky (Filling in for the NY Times)

I found a link on Michelle Malkin’s blog about the NY Times taking questions from readers. Boring!! They’re not going to answer any of the good, hard hitting questions. That’s MY job!!
“By what authority?” you might be asking. Well, right now, millions of Latinos are marching through the streets to rally around a cause. Do you know what that cause is?
That’s right. My Birthday.
Somebody as popular as I am must be endowed with some sort of authority, so as of this moment I, Editor Duck, will field all those questions you would normally write to the NYT Editor.
Fire away no question is too tough. As my people say “Si, Si Se Puede!”
Please start all questions with “Dear Editor Ducky”


  1. So, you want our questions that we have for the Times, eh? Alright, here’s mine:
    Are you really run by the VRWC, and are just employing people like Morreen (spl?) Dowd and Paul Krugman as an undercover plan to make liberals look bad?

  2. Seriously:
    Dear Editor Ducky,
    Why does anyone think that people who have entered this country illegally will obey any of the other laws that govern our country?
    (the answer, as you know is that they won’t and don’t. Children have ditched school and destroyed property just in the last several days, all of which is against the law.”)
    Happy natal day!

  3. Por Favor, Senor Editor Ducko,
    Why is it that if the name of a spy’s wife who works for the CIA gets leaked, we have to have all kinds of special investigators, prosecutors, etc. Yet SeeMore Hersch (is it just me or does that name sound like the noise someone makes when they vomit?) can go tell the world that we’re fixin’ to nuke Iran (a few years late IMHO. or IMAO) and the NYT gives him a parade down Broadway?

  4. Dear Editor Ducky,
    Happy Birthday?
    Followup; Could the US adopt a policy that allows a certain number of illegal aliens stay as long as Mexico accepts disgruntled Hollywood pinheads? For example, two hundred people can stay, but Ben Affleck must move to Juarez. And how many people in exchange for Barbra Streisand?

  5. DAMN!! Strnj1 stole my question.
    Dear Editor Ducky,
    Why don’t the extreme Aztlan supporters just annex SOUTH AMERICA? or Narnia?
    (…’cause see Aztlan sounds like Aslan…)

  6. I will ask you the same qeustion that I ask the many liberals I have to talk to. Why? THey never seem to have a satisfactery answer funny how that is.
    Also felis nanos banonos ah hell hhappy birthday.

  7. Dear editor Ducky,
    If all of those latinos are marching around in support of your glorious birthday, couldnt you just invite them all to a party in Mexico? They would surely be honored to recieve such an invitation,and would all march gladly to the Mexican city of your choice. You wouldnt have to show up, and they wouldnt have to come back.
    …Just a thought.

  8. Dearest Ed.,
    I just got some Pop-Tarts out of the machine here at work and the date on the back of the package says “BETTER IF USED BEFORE”
    Why does it say “USED” and not “EATEN”? Besides food (and FrankJ’s secret fetish), how many possible uses for strawberry Pop-Tarts could there be?

  9. Dear Editor Ducky,
    Why do you keep changing your name? Are you unsatisfied with who you are as a person? Is this another sign of IMAO blogger latent homosexuality?
    On another note, why does the NYT only publish information fit to spin? Print, spin, spin, print, spit…

  10. That’s okay, DohXs. I’ve gathered it’s kind of the role of the commenters on this blog to kind of play the foil of Frank J. and be dense numbskulls who must’ve wound up on the wrong side of the political spectrum by taking a wrong turn at the “Political Socialization: Get Your Propaganda Here” sign.
    … I’m a prime example.

  11. Dear Duckitor Eddy Vetter:
    When Jeremy spoke in class, was he in Spokane, Spokane cla-ass today?
    Also, a follow-up: do topical references to popular music ever lose their currency?
    One more follow-up: How much love would a muskrat love if a muskrat could musk love?
    Wait. Muskrats do musk love. Ergo “musk.”
    I withdraw the questions.

  12. Dear Editor Ducky:
    I have been approached by one of my friends about becoming am Martyr for my cause, and he gave me the advantages of doing so, that whole paradise thing with the 72 virgins as a reward. Since my sexual leanings are toward the same sex will there be 72 young men waiting for me or am I stuck with the 72 Virgins?

  13. The guy who WROTE The Hokey Pokey passed away last month, at 97. Things were going pretty smoothly at the funeral home, until they tried to put his left foot in the casket … then everything just went terribly wrong …

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