How DHS caught Brian J. Doyle

Q: How did the Department of Homeland Security catch Brian J. Doyle cruising the Internet for minors, anyway?

A: They checked their own homepage:


  1. I went to the link you posted at I did not see the picture of Mr. Doyle that you showed us at the tab that said “Ready Kids.” I did see a similar tab that had a picture of some kids. Can you explain this discrepancy? Has the Department of Homeland Security already updated their webpage because of this?

  2. //Actually, the dept of homeland security did NOT catch him – local police officers did.
    Posted by tde at April 5, 2006 03:52 PM //
    TDE…you do get that this was a JOKE right? Laurence was making a funny.

  3. Laurence-
    That doesn’t make any sense. How could two kids put their picture up on a U.S. gov. site? I could understand if it was their OWN site at home, but this is a offical government site. Are you sure the government didn’t just change the picture from Mr. Doyle to those kids after this hit the news?

  4. EFG,
    Basicaly, the picture you see above was taken as a “screen shot,” which is like taking a picture with a camera, except its your computer taking a picture of something like a website, which is quite simple to do if you are an advanced computer user. After they get their “screen shot,” they edit the picture in a photo editing program such as photoshop, or even Microsoft Paint. They simply replace with picture of the kids with a picture of the politician, which can take only a matter of minutes.

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