Though it doesn’t come out until Friday, rottentomatoes currently has 24 reviews for United 93. I kinda knew a film like this would rile up the nuts, but that doesn’t keep it from being off-putting. So far, only three reviews are negative, and one of them isn’t even a film review, it’s just a guy talking out his ass:
Greengrass disguises art as journalism by matter-of-factly declaring that United 93 crashed in a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania at the “heroic” hands of its passengers in spite of the fact that the now famous “crash site” produced not one human corpse or even a single drop of blood.
The cell phone/air phone calls are an area of tacit fiction that the auteur fudges with discreet but significant treatment. The actual recorded calls from the “passengers” of United 93 are suspiciously vague and calculated.
The director’s “clear” gaze doesn’t extend to quoting the “actual” air phone dialogue, perhaps because he couldn’t compensate for its inherent falseness.
This is a movie that does more to discourage raising questions about what really happened to flight 93 than it does to encourage debate over the bastion of lies that have been fed to the American people.
The “reviewer” Cole Smithey (if that is his real name) mentions twice the documentary “Loose Change.” I’ve heard numerous moonbats mention this film that supposedly shows that everything about 9/11 and Flight 93 was faked– and I guess the families (who all gave permission for this film) were bribed into pretending they got phone calls from their loved one’s on the doomed flight.
Give me a sec while I Google what the hell “Loose Change” is about…
Okay, here’s the Wikipedia article on it (and, incidentally, Wikipedia was used as a source for “Loose Change” which should tell you about the accuracy of it).
Flight 93
* Suggests that United Airlines Flight 93 did not crash in rural Shanksville, Pennsylvania but actually landed safely at Cleveland Hopkins Airport where it was evacuated by government personnel into an unused NASA research center.
I think that’s all I need to read to declare anyone who cites “Loose Change” to be a complete and utter fruitcake. Why is the Flight 93 story so hard to believe? Are there liberals out there who just can’t believe in heroism?
As for the other negative reviews, they seem to do more with politics than anything else (even the highly liberal film critics seem to really be liking the film). One of the other negative reviews muses whether the families of the terrorists were asked permission to make the film. That right there deserves a whack with a Cluebat™. Most of the other reviews say the terrorists were treated in the film as fairly as you can treat murderous terrorist… for those concerned about negative portrayals of terrorists.
The other negative review is on Salon, and I’d have to click on an ad to read it all. Investigative journalism can only go so far.
Anyway, SarahK and I plan on seeing United 93 this weekend. I’ll be curious how much noise the movie premiere creates… and how much of that will come from the nuts.
Why is the Flight 93 story so hard to believe? Are there liberals out there who just can’t believe in heroism?
I believe in heroism just dandy. I don’t believe that a plane that supposedly turned over on its back in mid air and dove straight down into the earth, as the official story would suggest, could create a debris field 7 miles long and produce no human remains. Seems just a tad funny to me…but then facts have never been something you righties are concerned with anyway 🙂
“Are there liberals out there who just can’t believe in heroism?”
Of course they don’t. Acts of heroism are the greatest sin to Liberals. You’re supposed to give in to the demands of anyone that threatens your existence.
Appease, and if that doesn’t work, beg. If that doesn’t work, attempt to bribe. By the time that doesn’t work, you’ve probably been killed.
Dude.. Thats frickin awesome man! How do you know so much??
America’s left has been pussified to the extent that they will go to great lengths to explain away any perceived act of heroism because deep down they know that they don’t have the sack to be heroic. Thus, they can’t imagine a person who does can even exist!
Besides being heroic might ruin the buzz from whatever it their smoking!!
And filthy piles of excrement such as “Dennis” are the reason I will wait for the DVD.
I have no particular desire to go to prison for putting a “Dennis” who decided to “tell truth to power” at the theater in the hospital.
Oh, and Dennis?
Do you also have some pearls of wisdom about how the Holocaust wasn’t real?
Or how the Jooooos were responsible for 9/11?
I don’t know if I want to see it or not.
Even now, 5 years later, when I think about it, the rage that these turds came into MY HOUSE and committed this travesty completely blinds me at times.
I wish that I was still young enough that my Ranger brothers and I could go over and exact retribution.
Each one of our Soldiers, Marines, Airmen, and Sailors that we have lost is worth ten thousand of those that took their lives by flying into those buildings that day.
(ok, no more coffee for me today…)
God Bless all here.
As usual the cretins on the reich cannot / do not address the message, only the messenger who dares to contradict and ask a few questions. If ya’ll could see past your sheeple noses and beyond your blind haterd for anything “non-me” you might be a tad happier. All violence and vitriol, no real answers. Wasn’t talking about the holocaust, which your boy Bush’s grandfather exploited to make his money to get his boy appointed. I suppose if there are “joooos” in the woodwork that knew about 9/11 and let it happen, then I guess legally they would be responsible, yes, but generally, no I don’t think the “jooos” are responsible for anything more than their own quagmire. As for Master Shake and his heroic theatre incident, I don’t go to the pedophile movie houses you frequent, so you wouldn’t find me anyway.
Oh Dennis, you are so right. These infidels don’t know of what they speak. Even though you have so clearly shown them the truth, they refuse to accept it.
The people from that flight are actually being held in an underground bunker by the evil government of the United States to keep “Bush’s little secret” from being revealed.
It’s all part of the secret master plan devised by Dick Chaney and Carl Rove, with the help of Haliburton, and these “righties” are too blinded by their own lack of hatred for their own country to see that the facts are so clear. The remote control plane worked just as planned and these right wing wackos bought into this craziness.
Who could believe something so stupid that a group of Islamic terrorists simply performed acts of terrorism. It’s much more conceivable that a massive government cover-up took place, involving hundreds of participants, and that not one of them leaked ANY of the information.
Oh, incidentally, this is sarcasm and you are a complete idiot.
Gee, Dennis, what ever it is you are smoking, it must be good. I’ve studied a lot of conspiracies…I’ll grant you the pentagon crash has some things that don’t add up, but the towers and Flight 93? Un-hun. I guess you believe that the WTC towers were lace with explosives by a secret government agency, and the two flights were actually repainted millitary craft flown into the towers via remote control by Bush and Rumsfeld. So tell me…were all the passengers of those flights abducted by the CIA and flown to a secret moon base, never to be heard from again? Were all the passangers of 93 really abducted by aliens?
Better watch out, Dennis…I just caught a snippet off of the AP asserting that the government is abducting and locking up people like you….;-D
Dennis, let me get this straight. You come here and tell us that our government demolished the World Trade Center, part of the Pentagon, and faked an airliner crash. And that all of the phone calls from the aircraft were fake. And this is irregardless of the innumerable experts who agree with the official version. And then when call your BS what it is, you respond by saying are pedophiles because we called you on you BS.
No, “Dennis”. You just worship your pedophile “prophet” five times a day.
As for the “message”, like the “messenger”, it is a steaming pile of excrement.
I’m sure I’m wasting my time, but try reading this before spreading your lies. Although, I’m sure you’ll just dismiss Popular Mechanics as part of the right-wing cabal.
Greengrass “disguises art as journalism.” And that differs from everything Michael Moore puts out how?
Even if United 93 weren’t based in truth (which I believe it is, though necessarily embellished), turnabout is fair play, baby.
I wonder if Cole is related to Alan Smithee
My idea is that we put Dennis on a plane and then flip it on its back in midair and run it nose first into the ground, then maybe he will become an expert on airplane crashes.
//and produce no human remains. //
I haven’t gone looking this up, so I don’t know if it’s leftyconspiracymania speak, or if something like that was actually documented, but as a weekend Bible thumper, I might be compelled to believe those folks got Raptured if it IS documented.
At any rate I’m gonna see this movie; but I’ll have to bring my crying Hanky.
The latest review I heard from a fairly trusted critic was that the “look and feel” of the movie is cliche and horrid–shakey cam and over exposed look; I’m sick of it already. He also complained that it showed more about the terrorists and air traffic controllers than the passengers. But he did add that it was very intense. In the end, he recommended the A&E special last year over it.
Which critic? If he is fairly trusted can you give us a name so we can read the review. Or, are you gun shy after the whole Scooter Libby leak probe thing?
Just wondering…
Sorry shimauma!
Hey Dennis, Wally Miller, coroner of Somerset County, Pa. told Dave Barry in a Miami Herald:
“”There were people who were getting a skull cap and a tooth in the casket,” Miller says. “That was their loved ones.”
Of course there were no bodies, you blunt ended turd, only pieces. That’s what happens when a commercial airliner slams into the ground at 500 mph. Or is the Sommerst County Coronor’s office on the Haliburton payroll as well? You make me sick!
People: No, I asserted no such thing. I asked this question: IF the airplane rolled on its back and crashed HOW do we end up with a seven mile debris field? Any takers ON THAT QUESTION? No other assertions here other than those made by yourselves (such as assuming I’m a “liberal” and smoke funny stuff, but how dare me call somebody that threatened me with bodily harm a pedophile. I suppose it would be more acceptable here if I just threatened to beat his monkey ass with a lead pipe, which I would be “heroic” enough to do the time for, by the way. Do the crime, do the time, Limbaugh) I never claimed to have the answers, only questions that STILL HAVE NO ANSWERS THAT MAKE SENSE. Yes, I believe the PM piece to be another piece of the official story and not actually based on critical thinking, which also seems to be absent from most of the posters here so far. Yeah, I find it hard to believe that a bunch of friggin arabs with friggin box cutters could cow a bunch of rowdy americans into this. Arabs that couldn’t fly a friggin cesna, but somehow read the boeing owners manual and flew extremly difficult manuevers in a jumbo jet. I got ocean front property in Arizona, if you’re interested in that, too.
//HOW do we end up with a seven mile debris field? Any takers ON THAT QUESTION?//
It skidded. Also, there would be bouncing of parts, especially at 500 mph.
Bummer on the Rapture thing, I was hoping…sigh
It skidded. Are you daft? Have you seen any photos of the site? Trees, foliage, houses in some areas. A 7 mile skid…that’s rich. That would go along with the many other things that have never happened before 9/11. Oh, and how about those “put options” on Amer. Air and United Air that made somebody millions of dollars…surely that was just a coincidence, somebody got hugely lucky not once but twice! Surely a coincidence that the flight trainers said they couldn’t fly for shyt, but managed to pull off military quality manuevers. Surely a coincidence that fires were sooo hot they melted steel structure at wtc 1 and 2, but mohammed attas passport magically made it from on his person somewhere (lets say his pocket), out of a burning wrecked airplane, out of a burning, falling building, and landed untoasty on the street below…amazing stuff those passports are made out of. But I’m sure it’s just the “funny schtuff” I’ve been smoking, right…jeebus, I need to change brands then.
I asked this question: IF the airplane rolled on its back and crashed HOW do we end up with a seven mile debris field? Any takers ON THAT QUESTION?
Ever watch an Indycar race? A car barely 1/75th the size and well under 1/100th of the mass will go nose first into a cement wall and scatter debries well over 1/2-3/4 of a mile down track. Those carts aren’t designed to explode. That’s less than 1/3 the speed. Any other questions?
By the way, if you expect folks to be nice, don’t start off using obscenities.
Quoth dennis in comment #1: could create a debris field 7 miles long and produce no human remains.
Quoth dennis in comment #, uhhhh, later on: People: No, I asserted no such thing. I asked this question: IF the airplane rolled on its back and crashed HOW do we end up with a seven mile debris field?
Ummm, you left something out of that last question.
FrankJ, you attract a particularly stupid form of troll. Or perhaps you are your own troll as they are usually pretty darn funny. I mean, this nitwit appears to be denying that he said what he said in the first comment. That’s pretty funny. Now, to be even funnier, it will be back to deny that it denied anything. That will be even funnier.
The funniest part? If the left weren’t so ignorant and full of hate Karl Rove would have had to invent them.
Surely a coincidence that the flight trainers said they couldn’t fly for shyt, but managed to pull off military quality manuevers.
Ever try to fly a plane? They aren’t hard onece in the air. It’s the landing that takes skill. Manouvers? They navigate by beacons or landmarks (if low enough). Finding the tallest, most well known buildings and aiming right for them isn’t a hard manouver. My first training filight, I was able to make take-off, fly a 70 mile round trip, locate and fly over my house, then find the air station. It wasn’t a smooth or pretty flight, but if a first timer could do it….
Dennis, they just won’t listen to reason, will they? Obviously, when Bush, Rove, Chaney, and everyone at Halliburton planned this, they were hoping that dupes like these would fall for it, and they have.
This whole thing went off like clockwork for Bush and they were able to hire such wonderful actors to play the parts of the grieving families. They were simply marvelous in their performances, and like the hundreds of others involved in the conspiracy, didn’t leak a word about this massive fraud. It’s all so obvious.
Incidently, this is sarcasm, and you are still a complete idiot.
What I don’t get is why people think there would be these huge conspiracies about minor details about 9/11, yet the Bush administration didn’t go through the trouble to plant WMDs in Iraq and actually make some propaganda useful to them.
At what point in my post did I threaten you, precisely? I guess your reading comprehension skills are as poor as your ability to reason.
Here is my post:
“And filthy piles of excrement such as ‘Dennis’ are the reason I will wait for the DVD.
I have no particular desire to go to prison for putting a ‘Dennis’ who decided to ‘tell truth to power’ at the theater in the hospital.”
So by “threaten you” you mean “state my intention to avoid a situation in which I would feel compelled to beat the excrement out of a scumbag troll like Dennis”.
If I lived in a fantasy world as you do, I certainly wouldn’t be so angry.
Try fantasizing about puppies and kittens for a change, but not in that way, you sicko.
Man, you are a glutton for punishment. The 7 mile debris field is only hard to believe if you’ve never heard of things like Newtonian Physics, gravity, mass, and velocity. I’m no physicist, but it seems pretty sane to me that a huge object moving really fast, and impacting at any angle other 90 degreess will smack and skip for a really long ways.
My theory of debris fields can be stated formally: F=BAO*HA whereas F= Debris field, BAO=Big Assed object and HA=Hauling ass.
Do the math.
Oh, and you did assert that no human remains were found.
What a dope. You said it before, FM. You can’t argue with stupidty.
Shine as much light as you want on a black hole, it’ll still be a black hole.
“What I don’t get is why people think there would be these huge conspiracies about minor details about 9/11, yet the Bush administration didn’t go through the trouble to plant WMDs in Iraq and actually make some propaganda useful to them.
Posted by: Frank J. on April 26, 2006 02:54 PM”
HAH! Finally, somebody asks a very good question that I’ve been subconsciously wondering about for ages! And to add to that, how is Bush smart enough to orchestrate 9/11 and yet so stupid he can’t tie his own shoes at the same time? Does he have a split personality? Is he distracted with shiny objects while Cheney and Rove do the dirty work? What is it???
//The 7 mile debris field is only hard to believe if you’ve never heard of things like Newtonian Physics, gravity, mass, and velocity. //
SO THERE Dennis! I’m not daft, I’m logical. You didn’t even address my bounce suggestion, so I guess that makes YOU the daft one.
Veeshir: Jeebus, I was refering to the flight 93 questions, not the holocaust, not “joooos”, etc etc etc.
Wolfman: I’m sorry, I don’t recall using any obscenities, perhaps you could enlighten me.
Master: “I would feel compelled to beat the excrement out of a scumbag troll like Dennis”.
If I lived in a fantasy world as you do, I certainly wouldn’t be so angry.
Try fantasizing about puppies and kittens for a change, but not in that way, you sicko.”
That would be a threat genius, and you brought up the animal fantasies.
Re; wolfmans post, see my previous post regarding large items in the way of a skid. As far as your flight goes, super. Glad you trained and flew on the same plane of the same or similar size. Quite certain they didn’t strap you into a jumbo jet and set you off, try again.
fmragman: Your entertaining formula would be at home in the PM piece.
Son of Bung: Never argue with a fool for a passerby may not know the difference.
And in conclusion: Obviously they didn’t let the Bush boy in on it, he’s too stupid to tie his own shoes as you’ve said. Again, I don’t know. Just asking questions here. So far the only “answer” I’ve gotten is hate, violence, and ignorance. Again, nobody has addressed ANY of the inconsistencies I’ve put forward with any sort of critical thinking behind it, but i must therefore be an idiot for asking
Enjoy the Kool-aid people.
Just asking questions here. So far the only “answer” I’ve gotten is hate, violence, and ignorance.
If you didn’t notice, we did answer your questions, and I tried to do it kindly. Sorry I mentioned you smoking something, as it now appears that you are on some bad acid trip. No, it wasn’t a jumbo jet I flew, it was an A-10, which gives me more of a prospective of flight than you have. If you want hate, me bucko, go back to your buddies at Kos and tell me about how nice they are. Get a life.
Again, your reading comprehension is sorely lacking, “Dennis”.
Neither my original statement, nor the attempt at clarification for your feeble mind – “I would feel compelled to beat the excrement out of a scumbag troll like Dennis” – is a threat directed at you.
At best, it could only be considered a threat to a hypothetical scumbag troll like you, not you specifically you, (hence the “such as Dennis”) should the events unfold as in the hypothetical situation originally proposed.
Since my hypothetical situation and your fantasy land are two separate places, neither of which are real, the fact that you consider this to be as if I actually “threatened (you) with bodily harm” can only be seen as further evidence of your disconnect with reality.
It certainly conforms with the pattern of “death threats” that moonbats claim to receive but somehow never have proof of.
Just like your addle-brained conspiracy theories.
Just keep chanting “everyone is crazy except for me” and someday you’ll believe it. Oh wait, you already do.
Dennis – I will limit my comments to your original suppositions as you request. First, according to eyewitness accounts the day of the incident, the plane was banking from side to side and then appeared to “be turning end-over-end” as it disappeared below the ridgline. That was from an Eric Peterson, age 28 who witnessed the crash. A cart-wheeling aircraft the size of a 757 will break up as this deviates from the intended attitude (aeronautical term) of the designer. This breakup will be accelerated as the aircraft begins to strike obstacles such as trees. This might explain the article in the Pittsburg Post-Gazette on 27 Oct 2001 that mentioned that high winds had dislodged pieces of the aircraft from the trees around the debris field.
The same article also stated that the remains of 34 of the 44 passengers of the flight had been positively identified. There are no less than four articles in this publication on the coroner’s efforts at victim identification. All of the identifications came from human remains.
To conclude, your arguments are false. The rest of your statements only further serve to display your intellectual aridity.
Master: I know I’m crazy, it’s you 32%’ers that I can’t figure out. Everybody else in the friggin world has figured out Dear Leader is a twit, ‘cept the 32%’ers round here. And, yes, I apologize, indy car comparisons and 7 mile skidding airplanes ARE in fact answers…so sorry. And I guess when people hypothetically threaten me, I’ll be sure to explain to them in the same condescending tone that I was hypothetically threatening to beat their monkey ass with a lead pipe, SHOULD that hypothetical situation, which we all know we’re trying to hypothetically avoid, happens.
Wolfie: All I get are warm fuzzies at Kos, that’s why I’m trolling about over here. Still, trained on a-10, flew a-10, you know a-10. Trained on cessna, couldn’t fly cessna, flew jumbo jet like a master…but ya’ll will never see that disconnect I guess.
Anyhow, have a lovely day all, I’m off. It’s been truly wonderful conversing with you all. You may now resume your regularly scheduled programming and poo-flinging.
32% LOL!!
Moneyman: You rock! Thank you for answering the question in a civil, informed manner. I will look into the quotes and the article you refer to, perhaps it will change my mind.
Crap! I’ve been complimented by a tool, excuse me TROLL. I feel violated. This has to be Cheney’s fault.
Conservation of momentum: If something weighing (for example) 10 tons hits the ground at 500MPH, its pieces are going to fly in the opposite direction a long, long way. Add to that the thrust given to those objects by exploding jet fuel, and you’re going to have stuff fly half way across the county.
I don’t have the exact figures concerning weight, explosive force, momentum conservation, etc. But I do know that under the circumstances, it’s surprising that stuff from that plane didn’t wind up in Pittsburgh.
Damn it, Moneyman! You got all civil on us. We were practicing our pooh flinging for when the monkies get human rights.
This smackdown has fizzled.
Moneyman, you fool! Now you’ll need to be quarantined due to your exposure to troll cooties.
One last time, “Dennis” – I did not threaten you, you 32 IQ-point wonder. Now kindly go fuc….
Darn, I’m out of troll food. Now I have to go to Wal-Mart to get some more.
I bet Wal-Mart was in on it, too.
A 7-mile-long debris field is not hard to understand, once you realize a few things:
– The “debris field” refers to the total area containing any fragments of the aircraft and its cargo. It’s not going to be neatly rototilled area looking like your herb garden ready for planting.
– The debris field covers such a large area because the aircraft will begin shedding pieces as it is overstressed; those pieces will be scattered over a wide area, with most of them concentrated in a much smaller area.
Consider, for an extreme example, the debris field resulting from the Columbia shuttle crash. It extended literally for hundreds of miles, with a few localized areas around some larger pieces of the shuttle that remained mostly intact until ground contact.
Commercial jet aircraft are pretty low-drag; they accellerate quickly in even a shallow dive, and will fairly quickly exceed airspeed limits and start shedding pieces.
There will never be an answer, based in Truth, to your question that you’ll agree with, because it won’t conform to your own predjudice. You have already decided in your mind to believe nothing but some twisted preconception you have.
Therefore, even with the PM article, a ton of independent investigations, Bhudda, Moses, Krishna, Mohammed and Yaweh all stating it was so, you’d still refute it as more of the same. You’d denounce it as party line and claim that “BushCo” must have somehow gotten to the dieties/prophets of the major religions.
You sit in judgement of us and call us sheeple, but you are following your own shepherd. You are part of the mindless flock that needs to blame Bush or the neo-cons or the Jooos or some other scapegoat because you don’t want to swallow the truth. Many valid points have been made in direct refutation of your unskilled diatribe, and yet you dismiss them off-hand as they don’t fit into your mold.
This leaves me with just one question: How can you see to type with your head so firmly wedged up your ass?
even the democrats are in on it:
even the democrats are in on it:
oops here it is:
thats http://
in front of that
Well, I’ve said it before, FIAR alluded to it earlier, and I’ll say it again. You just can’t argue with stupid. is not actually affiliated with the DNC, for the record.
And now a word from the Surrealist Compliment Generator, for all your luscious comments:
“When faced with scathing winds and torrents pouring forth stain, your mind thinks cleverly to the leprous angels found in all train crashes.”
Well i sat through the ad at It was a porsche add so it wasnt that bad. Let me summarize the rather lenghty review. Blah blah, blah blah blah blah blah blah.
Wow!! Remind me to never post anything so stupid that I bring down on myself the ire of the IMAO regulars!! I almost–ALMOST–have enough sympathy for Dennis that I would contribute to a brain transplant fund for him–oh, wait, a 40-watt light bulb wouldn’t cost very much. Never mind.
Quoth Dennis, Veeshir: Jeebus, I was refering to the flight 93 questions, not the holocaust, not “joooos”, etc etc etc.
In response to this:
I didn’t get it exactly right, I figured it would just deny that it had ever denied that there were human remains. But that answer is even funnier. It just totally ignores what I said to respond to something that I didn’t say.
That’s pretty funny. Next up, name calling.
I am a little surprised that people are actually responding to it as if it would really do any good. I mean, people like dennis aren’t interested in debate, they’re only interested in showing exactly how much smarter they are than the wingnuts who find Frankj funny. And of course, they have absolutely no sense of humor so anything even remotely humorous is NOT FUNNY!!1!!111!!!
And that’s even funnier.
Has anybody seen my tinfoil hat? I seem to have lost it and am afraid that I am now vulnerable to attack from the men in the black helicopters. I was wearing it here last…anybody?