In my opinion the newest google map deal is just useless, it doesn’t even go down to street level nor does it give driving directions. There is no way to find businesses nearby,just maps. That’s all there is, maps.
And something’s wrong with the map color scheme too, everything appears all rainbowy.
See for yourself.
Seems to me like, I don’t know, RED would be predominant. Good thing it’s free is all I have to say.
I can see my house!
Directions are simple on Mars: always start at the giant face, and turn left or right at the first canal you come to. Sheesh, the big chicken in Marietta GA and the giant peach on I-85 in SC are harder to use as navigational landmarks….
Silly Spacemonkey. That’s a map of the imaginary Liberal Utopia…that’s why there’s no businesses. The red is the massive pool of blood from the endless casualties incurred as a result of no “unnecessary” military to defend from the invading forces.
I was eating some pop rocks, and I get kinda airsick when looking at these photos, so…
If you were the Carnival of Comedy, where would you be?
Where is Arnold?
Time to get On Star on the job.
You know just to the left of that high mountain looks like a really great spot for Babs and James’ new get away mansion. There’s plenty of room for Alex and Harry and Danny as well as any other celebrities who think living in the US is embarrassing. Maybe they could build a recording studio for the Dixie Chicks. I’ll just bet the native Martians would go crazy for them.
I don’t believe we’ve been to Mars. That map looks fake. They even admit it’s ‘false color’. Done in some some studio using Photoshop, that’s what I say.
Are we sure that isn’t how San Francisco looks from space?
That isn’t Mars. Where are the canals? And the UAC portal to hell? I call “shenanigans”!
I was expecting they would make it like Google Earth and was disappointed they didn’t. Although there’s nothing on Mars I would recognize, so it wouldn’t be that cool anyway.
I’ll just bet the native Martians would go crazy for them.
seanmhair, how dare you insult the Martians by associating them with liberals. I happen to have met some personally, and they are all very nice people… er… Martians. Aside from being asexual and thus supporting homosexual rights, their views are pretty much in line with the conservative agenda. They’ve always thought the moon had a nasty habit of getting in the way of their view of Earth, especially the great United States of America, Frank, so they would be delighted to meet you.
I am so terribly sorry to have offended our Martian brethren (Martianian????) Please convey my most humble and sincere apologies to them. ( this Rep. Mckinney is how someone makes a sincere apology- to those who were actually wronged!)
I had no idea Martians were of a conservative bent, but I should have. I’m sure they don’t call it the Red Planet for nothing.
Did Rainbow Bright conquer Mars?
If Martians are conservative, how do you explain James Carville?
“can we see where they left the flag” LOL
That’s okay, seanmhair. The Martians are very forgiving, just like all conservatives (except Frank J.). Oh, and Son of Bob, just like on Earth, where we have various base, unintelligent animals such as pigs, spiders, and liberals, the Martians have their fair share of green flying squids, little green men that parade as intelligent life and destroy the reputation of Martians, and communists, who also claim to be smart. The only reason communists live here on Earth is that they got kicked off of Mars and, while meant to be thrown directly into the sun, the Martian Star Wars program was a little off track and the Martian commies landed on Earth. Russia and the Middle East looked inviting due to the extreme temperatures similar to those found on Mars, so they colonized them both, except they had to disguise themselves as terrorists in the hot places known collectively as the “Middle East”, taking over the will of the frightened Muslims and condemning them to torture innocent Christians. James Carville fits into one of those three categories. It’s hard to say which one; he displays symptoms of all three.
I heard all the people on Mars were instruction manuals…because it was coooooool…
They’ve totally erased Evil Bert!!!!
Does Carville gets to stay on Earth because he married “earth girl’ Mary Matlin(sp?). Couldn’t we call INS or Men In Black and have him deported. Surely Agents K and J could drop kick his sorry butt all the way back to Mars.
That’s a good story line for MIB 3. I would definitely go see it.
Ahhh… I see. I was wondering why Olympus Mons was suddenly occupying a space outside of Joliet, Illinois.
Weird. Joliet’s my hometown. The only time I ever hear it mentioned is in association with the Blues Brothers.